Who's setting with me Sept 1st-4th?


I still only have two... 1 is working on his/her zipping, the one who piped wrong end hasn't made any progress but is still moving around in there.... I hope he/she is ok! Maybe progress will happen while I sleep
You bet I'd help! I've assisted chicks before with great success! However, I've never had a chick survive coming out the wrong end.:(. Not yet anyways.
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I've had 3 pip at the wrong end in the past, 2 made it out on there own, one I had to help. If it's still not out 36 hours after the external pip, go ahead and help. If you don't know how, here are the basic steps.

Carefully take something small, you can use a paper clip streched out, or I usually use an extra pen from those nintendo ds things. Break off small bits of shell going around in a circle slowly breaking the membrane as you go as if you were zipping for him. If you see any blood, stop and put him back in, he's not ready. But if blood never appears, then more than likely he is ready to hatch. Once you get all the way around the egg, put the egg back in and let him push the two halves apart himself. If he hasn't pushed the two halves apart in 3 hours, then go ahead and gently take the top halve off for him, if their is no yolk remaining, you can take the bottom half off and lie him down gently. If there is yolk, then leave the bottom half of the shell on for a bit later. Some people like to do this process in a bathroom in which the shower has been running with hot water so that the room is hot and humor similar to incubator conditions, but if you don't have the egg out too long, than don't worry about it.
Woo--hooo!!! (Or is it woot-woot!?)

My Silkies are pipping!!!! Woke up thinking I heard a peep---from the other end of the house. Had to go see, and YESSS two external pips, one is a buff, the other is hard to see the writing on the egg, but I think is the white one. It's gonna be a long but so exciting day!! I'll not get anything done, probly have my butt plastered to a chair beside the bator, lol. Maybe I could work on my latest quilt since my sewing machine is in the same room? Lol, I am so psyched!!!

Oh, and I should have a total of at least 30 more Silkie eggs coming by Wed from two different breeders, which is great.
I hope I have plenty of really nice Silkies next year, I wanna get in on the swaps.
Tweezers work really good for assissting with the hatch. I keep a pair in a basket next to the incubators. Oh, and I finally found a good way to add warm water during lockdown without opening the bator-----insert a drinking straw through the vent hole at the top, fill up a large cup, or small bowl with warm water, and using a Tony Chachere's (sp?) injector, just inject the water through the straw into the various wells.
Lesalynn: Congrats on the pips! congrats on all the hatches!!!!!

i just put 3 babies in my brooder! One hatched sometime early morning ( it was working on its zipping at 2 am!). My little wrong ender isn't making progress at all! I took it out to see what I could do and it looks like it's belly is right near the pip. I took some shell off but was afraid of touching the membrane so I but him/her back in the incubator..... I'm just afraid of hurting it but don't want the poor little guy to die! he/she is so close, yet so far, from hatching! I keep talking and it keeps talking back, so I know it's breathing. just hope this doesn't deform or kill the little dude.

I have another pip too! This little one is working hard to get out lol

doesn't look like the other eggs are doing anything, but maybe they are on their way
how long past due date do you wait before you open them up? I was going to give them a few more days to see what happens...

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