Who's setting with me Sept 1st-4th?

You bet I'd help! I've assisted chicks before with great success! However, I've never had a chick survive coming out the wrong end.
. Not yet anyways.
He seems strong, I helped all the way around and pulled the membrane off his beak, then he stuck his foot out so i put him back in the incubator... I'm hopeful that he makes it! But I know that dying can be apart of the hatching process so I'm not going to get my hopes too too high! He is still peeping quite well! When I took the shell away from where he had moved his head (closer to the normal position, he was working on another pip spot, but only got a stab at the membrane. I took a slight amount of membrane off with no blood! gonna wait and see what happens. I don't want to go too quick and hurt him but at the same time I don't want to wait so long and have something happen.... We will see what happens!
I usually wait until day 26 to open them up, but I usually take them out and candle them on day 23 simple to know if they have hope. It can't hurt to leave them in a couple more days.
ok! I was just wondering if candling was ok to do with lockdown as long as they hadn't pipped out...

Upside down chick just hatched out! I did chip the shell away all the way around and took membrane off his beak so he could dreathe better. He is yellowish in his wet state (can't wait til he dries off!) and have feathers on his feet so I know who is daddy is (my black mutt roo that had feathers on his legs)!!! He is active, crib hopping and knocked my humidity/temp thing down that was on the other side of the incubator!!!

Another chick is almost here, right behind my helped chick!!!
I counted six babies tonight. Six little butts of fluffiness! They are so tiny and barely poking their heads out from under momma. Hopefully tomorrow I can get broken egg shells out of the nesting box. We'll see.
ok! I was just wondering if candling was ok to do with lockdown as long as they hadn't pipped out...

Upside down chick just hatched out! I did chip the shell away all the way around and took membrane off his beak so he could dreathe better. He is yellowish in his wet state (can't wait til he dries off!) and have feathers on his feet so I know who is daddy is (my black mutt roo that had feathers on his legs)!!! He is active, crib hopping and knocked my humidity/temp thing down that was on the other side of the incubator!!!

Another chick is almost here, right behind my helped chick!!!
candiling after lockdown as long as there is no pips sounds ok but i dont do it as u cant see all pips if there piped upside down and humidty is more then just keeping them from getting shrinked wraped it helps with the aircell
Congrats on all the new chirpers!

As I suspected, yesterday was one of those "Lemme check the bator real quick" days......didn't get too far from it. But the two that were pipping when I woke just took their good time. Matter of fact the first one didn't show itself til this morning! Yep, a beautiful lil buff Silkie.
I still can't see the writing on the other egg, but I am pretty sure it's the white one. It is zipping right this minute, but slowly, lol.

Pics of the buff through the window:


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