Why do you guys give your chickens apple cider vinegar?

I looked at the links in Chocobo's thread and looked at this study in particular:
Based on this study, a 600ppm acetic acid water solution had the greatest impact ON EGG PRODUCTION.
If my calculations are correct (please double check if you know how!) then you would need to have about 3 tblsp of ACV for every gallon of water to get 600ppm.
I used the formula M1V1=M2V2
Most vinegar is about 5% acetic acid which is 50000ppm.
(50000ppm)(xgal) = (600ppm)(1Gal)
x= .012 Gal
3 tablespoons for every gallon is .0117

For the treatment of coccidiosis I looked at this link:
http://www.pvb.com.br/pdf_artigos/21-02-2011_14-51Vet 910_2015 LD.pdf
Based on this study, a 3% acetic acid water solution over a period of ten days had the greatest health benefit for chickens infected with coccidiosis.
(50000ppm)(xgal) = (30000ppm)(1Gal)
x=.6 Gal
This would be about 10 CUPS of ACV added to 6 CUPS of water. That's a lot of vinegar if I'm reading this study correctly...
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Hi all:) I saw where a couple of you said to make sure its "RAW"acv. I went to the store yesterday and all they had was 'un-filtered' ACV with 5% acidity,but I didn't get it because none of them said "raw" on the bottle..So,by saying RAW, does that just mean unfiltered? And if so, the 'unfiltered 5% acidity is the right one??'. <<Craig
I tried putting ACV in the water but they won't drink it! They just dive into the horses water. One of the babies had pasty butt for 2 weeks so I just cleaned her with a washcloth.
in additon to all the health benefits, it stops algae!
Main reason: keeps waterers free of algae growth in the warm summer months. Plus, supposedly you are supposed to have a higher percentage of female offspring when they get ACV. I haven't tested that theory myself.

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