Why do you guys give your chickens apple cider vinegar?

Hi, I have one month old chicks and haven't used the ACV yet but plan on it now that I know of it's benefits. Would you post why the ACV needs to be raw and unfiltered? Thanks in advance.
The raw~meaning unpasteurized(not heated to kill any microbial life) and the unfiltered~meaning the mother is remaining in the fluid....the mother is a collection of mold/yeast spores~the good kind~that are beneficial to recolonizing the natural flora in the intestines. The mother will look like a milky or gelatinous glob floating in the middle~not the bottom~of the jug of vinegar. I've even seen it appear like a clear jellied disc that you can pick up whole in your hand. That brown stuff at the bottom is merely apple residue from the juicing.

Here's a link to a thread that explains why this is important.

If you are feeding medicated starter feed should you hold off on the ACV until you switch their food?
I use ACV in my chicken water, but also in my horses feed, it helps keep the flys down some, it took him some time to get used to it...and if I put too much, he turns his nose, can't blame him I can't drink it....
We use it as a all natural wormer, because it's all natural......unlike wormers you get a tractor supply or somewhere that is poisonous if you eat the eggs from a chicken you used it on.(you have a 14 period you can't eat eggs) so with acv you can still eat the eggs, plus all natural is best way
We use it as a all natural wormer, because it's all natural......unlike wormers you get a tractor supply or somewhere that is poisonous if you eat the eggs from a chicken you used it on.(you have a 14 period you can't eat eggs) so with acv you can still eat the eggs, plus all natural is best way
Most wormers like Fenbendazole or Ivermectin has a with draw time that is 5 to 7 days.
Have you had a fecal test done on your poultry to tell if in fact the "natural" wormer is killing the worms?

Most wormers like Fenbendazole or Ivermectin has a with draw time that is 5 to 7 days.
Have you had a fecal test done on your poultry to tell if in fact the "natural" wormer is killing the worms?

x2, you should have a fecal done. I've read people saying ACV doesn't control any worms..... Do your birds a favor. And, let us know the results of the fecal, it's a good learning opportunity. I personally don't use it, the "health bennies" don't justify the expense.... I supplement with organic kelp (Joel Salatin) and occasionally, rooster booster electrolyte in the water.

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