Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

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Right because bee colony collapse is not happening.

10k percent rise in breast cancer; not happening

10k percent rise in allergies not happening.

Plumeting fertility rates, not happening.

GMO's are good for you. If scientists say they are safe it must be so. I mean, thats why they only allow organic food in Monsanto's cafeteria, right?

Everyone go back to sleep now. Thats right, swallow the blue pill, its good for you. There....
Wow. Serious passions here. I saw a pretty neat quote last week to might bring a bit of levity to the discussion.

"Not all the quotations on the internet are true."
-Abraham Lincoln

Keep the Traitor Boycott Going!

We can’t say it often enough. If companies like General Mills, Kellogg’s, Pepsi, Coca-Cola and other giant multinational junk-food peddlers hadn’t dumped more than $20 million into the NO on 37 campaign, Prop 37, the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative, would have passed.

If we want to pass GMO labeling laws in Washington, Vermont and other states, we’ve got to keep these Big Companies – and their Big Money – out of the fight. Our best shot at doing that is to send them a clear message: We won’t buy your organic and natural brands unless you keep your hands off, and your money out, of our GMO labeling campaigns. Make no mistake, Pepsi turns a pretty profit selling Naked Juice. And Kellogg’s makes millions selling its Gardenburger and Kashi brands. Same goes for all the other traitor brands. Let’s keep the pressure on!


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BUT NON GMO is safer to eat and it wont Make the cancer Monsantos killed my fatherwith and almost ended my life with . I have their agent Orange related cancer running threw my veins .
I do not need tpo be poisoned ANY MORE.

Id rather till then be in a Box and CHILL till some dr does a Nucropsy on me to prove GMO and Agent orange where the cause of my death BOTH MADE BY Monsanto's
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WOW I hate to ask this But How old are you ?

Im thinking too young or too old to teach anything because you wont listen ,

I have been given a Death Sentence from Monsanto's Before i was Born .

Its from a chemical they made and used Parts of the DDT's that killled off many birds .

Are you seeing Birds die by the thousands where you live ?
How about Fish ?
Or even dear ? Yes things do not always get posted but one monsanto's farmer found 15 deer Dead in his Corn filled got paid to keep his mouth shut ate the Corn himself and on his death bed spilled his Guts.

I hope you live a long life especially if you work or grow for monsantos Because that way you can see your kids and grand kids suffer for your mistake.
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