Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

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I am against GMO food, but not because of health worries.

Its completely safe the eat GMO food, it will not harm us in any way. All the food we eat is made up of chemicals, and all the plant and animals food has genes and DNA in it. We don't change into a fish or chicken by eating these animals.

However, I am against GMO for environmental reasons. Altering an animals or plant can also alter the ecosystem. If the GMO organisms breed with wild plants or animals, then that will alter them forever.

Its all just about human greed, how to made as much money with least effort, and forget about the moral consequences. There is no need the GMO at all. there are other ways to get higher yields form crops and animals that do not alter nature.
MrCush hes a troll trying to get people to not believe in the truth

Id Brush him off like my shoulders this person has no back bone and does nto seem to have proof himself Like i said If he is working for monsantos i truly hope he lives a LONG life to see those he loves suffer for what he is doing.
I am against GMO food, but not because of health worries.

Its completely safe the eat GMO food, it will not harm us in any way. All the food we eat is made up of chemicals, and all the plant and animals food has genes and DNA in it. We don't change into a fish or chicken by eating these animals.

However, I am against GMO for environmental reasons. Altering an animals or plant can also alter the ecosystem. If the GMO organisms breed with wild plants or animals, then that will alter them forever.

Its all just about human greed, how to made as much money with least effort, and forget about the moral consequences. There is no need the GMO at all. there are other ways to get higher yields form crops and animals that do not alter nature.
WHAT ? LMAO the food you may eat may have chemicals . I for one can not eat anything i do not grow i have learned to Not eat the Bad foods the stores sell. Jak read up on GMO please its something you will be thankful for in the long run.
WHAT ? LMAO the food you may eat may have chemicals . I for one can not eat anything i do not grow i have learned to Not eat the Bad foods the stores sell. Jak read up on GMO please its something you will be thankful for in the long run.
Sorry what does LMAO mean?

Are you telling me you only eat food you grow and nothing else? What happens when you go to a restaurant or a friends house for a meal? What about you meat? Do you raise you own cows, pigs and sheep, or do you only eat chickens?

You also don't eat any candy or chocolate? Soya beans are ALL GMO now too. All food has chemicals. Food is made up of chemicals! Are you talking about pesticides and weed killers?

I do not need to read up on GMO thank you. I am a biologist and have studied GMO as part of my BScHons Degree and also Post grad.

I am NOT for GMO. I think its immoral and unnecessary. However, I can not agree that is actually dangerous to your health to eat it.

There have been NO recorded harmful effects on human health from GMO foods.

Tell me why they are bad for your health please? Where do you get you information?
Sorry what does LMAO mean?

Are you telling me you only eat food you grow and nothing else? What happens when you go to a restaurant or a friends house for a meal? What about you meat? Do you raise you own cows, pigs and sheep, or do you only eat chickens?

You also don't eat any candy or chocolate? Soya beans are ALL GMO now too. All food has chemicals. Food is made up of chemicals! Are you talking about pesticides and weed killers?

I do not need to read up on GMO thank you. I am a biologist and have studied GMO as part of my BScHons Degree and also Post grad.

I am NOT for GMO. I think its immoral and unnecessary. However, I can not agree that is actually dangerous to your health to eat it.

There have been NO recorded harmful effects on human health from GMO foods.

Tell me why they are bad for your health please? Where do you get you information?
I think GMO food is 'to new" tor the bad effects to really be showing up and for the" regular" person to take notice.
GMO farmers also use "no till"
NON GMO farming requires more cultivation to control weeds.
It's not rocket science

What does that have to do with COMMERCIAL farming?

You just ignore whatever arguments are being made and go about and use your reliance on chemicals and poison yourself and your children. Who cares about stewardship. Who cares about who comes next. Who cares about shrinking your profit margin and relying on middlemen all along the track of selling your product. You grow annuals good for you. Enjoy all the extra work and enjoy the extra costs. Non GMO farming does not and has never required more cultivation to control weeds. There are no such thing as weeds. There are plants that compete with other plants. Monospecies crops exist in nature? Have you ever seen anywhere on the planet where one plant just grows? Do you enjoy weakening the plants you grow that require more and more of your care while you strength so called weeds and other pests. That is intelligent. You are on the clock. Of course you can rely more and more a three corporations to provide for THEIR product. Because they own the seeds and you only rent them. So when they feel like raising the prices and you need to take out another loan to cover the cost and your market sucks because of over production and the government fails to save by turning food into fuel that they sell back to at a much higher costs so you can reproduce the cycle over and over again... Must be great to know when you are doing wrong and try to take it out on others and imply some how that they lack less intelligence than you so you can feel better about yourself? I don't mean to burst your bubble but I am intelligent. I don't pretend to know all the answers. But step back strip the emotions away and use your simple logic to think about the situation. Why would a chemical company buy most of the seeds around the world? Is it to feed the world? Or is it to exert power and control? You would trust a company that has made so many poisons and claimed they were safe. Didn't they once say that ROundUp was safer than table salt? Then why do they print warning labels on the product and why do those warnings grow all the time? Is this coming from their legal department? If I produce something I will live by it. My handshake is real. Do you think Monsanto or the other companies care one lick about you or anyone or anything else other than their profit margin? Why not a fair choice for the consumer? Do you think a lawyer knows more about science than any other person on any other profession? You do know round up is a salt? Do you what over salinization does to the soil? It doesn't just come from improper irrigation. Have you ever tried one simple little thing like growing strawberries with clover? Or clover with tomatoes?

I will be a commercial farmer. That direct markets my sales. Go check out New Forest Farm. That is my model. As you can tell I have no interest in anyway having a civil argument with you. I am done wasting my time. I'm going back out to farm away. Let me say you wish you had the beautiful life I am afforded because I understood a simple term--selfless service. Since I can no longer continue that route I found another way for not only making my own life better but THOSE AROUND ME. One day hopefully in the not too distant future I will have a child. I will be able to look my child in the eye and say I went to war so your world would be safer. Then we I came home broken and beat up I stepped up again to continue to make the world better for you.
Really don't need to get into the human health aspects of it myself. Loss of genetic diversity and global corporate control of basic resources are plenty enough reason for me to not support GMO. I don't support bottled water either, and it is not due to the health concerns involving plastic...
Quote: No, I just disregard the rhetorical arguments that really don't have anything to do with the actual topic

And ridiculous arguments like:
Quote: I'm not getting emotional about any of this, but it sure sounds like you are

Quote: And yet here you are
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