Why is Purina feed "bad"?

all of the southern states chicken feeds are better than purina. i use purina pro plan dog food and still use purina puppy chow to raise puppies but purina chicken feed just doesn't cut it here. they won't eat it after a few days. i have used southern states for 30 years and it is quality. medicated chick starter, layer pellets, and rockin rooster keep your flock healthy and productive.
Yep Southern States is the best. I got 50lbs of Rockin Rooster Scratch and 50lbs of All Grain Pellets in the shed right now. I'll ask the local feed store if they can get some Southern States Chick Starter in.
In the dog world Purina Foods rank very low.

why do the westminster show dogs and akc breeders all use it then? for the money, it is an excellent dog food. of course, you can pay twice as much for natural but are the benefits to your dog worth the extra cost? i use what works for me and is cost efficient and that includes trips to the vet. if they are healthy and happy, no vet bills.
I know they are a separate company now. Why do they use it, Well they are sponsors, They get the food for free or cheap that is why, It is all about money. My Female Rottweiler is a Show dog, Trust me not all people that show there dog's really care about the dog. Once the dog is done winning a lot of times that dog is gone.

Raw is the way to go for dog feeding, and yes there are better dog foods that cost more money, you get what you pay for, Not saying you should spend $100.00 on a 40 or 50 LB pound bag of dog food either.

I Feed Innova or TOTW when I am feeding Kibble.
I actually like prurina's layena crumbles for my hens. I feel they are a higher quality crumble. I had no problems with my hens, and their eggs has not killed me yet. :)... We all have our own preference . I can not find buckeye feed in my area. Looks pretty good as well.
I have been using Purina feed with my chickens for 2 years now.. I have tried cheaper brands and mill ground feed but they just do not eat as well..So I figure they like it I will feed it to them.. I find the poo to be more formed with the Purina..which makes clean up easier.. yes it does cost me a bit more.. I do suppliment with veggies and ground corn..as treats..Just finished a chicken run so they can get out and about to look for bugs..
Most likely.  And unless you choose a certified organic feed, (or buy locally from a farmer you trust,) so will anything else you buy.

It's one of those areas where you have to choose your battles.  I would rather buy locally, but what I believe is our 'local' mill (Flint River Mills, the bags are labeled 'FRM',) is one that uses chicken byproducts in their feed.  [See link.]  So... I'd rather feed mine GMO corn than bits of what I'd bet are confinement house raised chickens.

I see that Nutrena also has a 'vegetarian' meat bird feed -- it has higher protein but lower fat than the Purina Flock Raiser I have been using.  I haven't decided whether that would be better.  But... same deal, most likely it has GMO corn and soy in it.


USDA certified organic can contain 30% GMO foods and still get the organic certification...the only way to avoid GMO is things that specifically say non GMO, or 100% organic...they try to trick people with the labels...so when the us gives a safety seal they are really saying its at least 70% safe...go figure

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