Will the government take away your chickens?

Just where in Israel do we have troops stationed? Maybe a few technicians somewhere, but no major troops are deployed there.

As to other nations where we have withdrawn our troops, Cuba with the exception of Guantanamo, Haiti, Nicaragua, Grenada, Mexico, Dominican Republic and of course Iraq just off of the top of my head.

Iraq really irks me. We fought the war and wasted blood and treasure, and who gets the oil? The Russians, the French, the Chinese and the Koreans.



And now who will profit from Afghanistan?

The Dimona Radar Facility is an American-operated radar base in the Negev, staffed by 120 US military personnel.

As to Iraq do you think we should take their oil because we earned it ? Contrary to what a lot of people think we did not go there to get oil. We went to protect our friends that have oil. Saddam needed to go he wanted everyone to think he was getting WMD's and payed the price.
And hopefully the Afghanistan people will profit but only time will tell.

Some people will say we went there so a pipeline can be built there, but no company will build one with the way the country is now.
Some will say we are there for minerals but the cost would still be to high it's just not a good place to do business.
Interesting video. He is pretty clear he doesn't need any troops from the United States but I can only imagine what he'd be saying if we threatened to cut off the several billion dollar welfare check we send them every year.
Foodstamps are a supplement to income for a temporary fix. There should be a system of accountability that makes them that are getting it better themselves. It was never meant to be a source of income.

Sterilization would be one way to better the system. Two kids and you are done.

Enforce child support laws.

Bring back the WPA or the CCC camps, put them to work, anything but sitting around doing nothing.

Foodstamps allow people with income to use their real money elsewhere and unfortunately some use the money they would otherwise use on food for things that are unnecessary. Some do actually need it like the elderly and you can exempt them if they are over 62 and the handicapped but the others can defend their application for them.

The bottomline is they are free, a good deal and who would not pick up a couple hundred dollars if it were free. How did people make it before foodstamps? Why does a college student need them? It is now so comfortable to beg from the government it is viewed as normal especially because it is done discretely with a card, how convenient no stigma, embarrassments or shame, pretty soon we will have whole generations that feel entitled...



I don't see how you come to that conclusion. Would you just have millions of families living on the streets instead? Because thats how it was before we got a welfare system in this country. Reform might be okay, but in my opinion the majority of people who are against welfare don't really understand it and they never have a better alternative anyway.

I am sorry, but welfare and SSI and SS are related. For example, most people on SSI also get food stamps. Most of them also get or can get housing assistance. Thats welfare or "entitlement" programs, so if you are against welfare, you are against assistance to the people in those groups as well as the ones who are not in SS or SSI. So sorry, they ARE related in that people on one program generally get assistance from the other programs. People on SSI get assistance outside of SSI.
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I've seen how heated and freaked you get about the health care mandate, chickened, and you are actually suggesting we force sterilization? Come on, now. Have another cup of coffee and wake up some more.
It would not be forced, it would be a choice... pro-choice even if I may say. Get a norplant or no foodstamps... or welfare but not forced, you can always say no thank you... and get a job. Unemployment makes you look for a job or at least it used to I am not so sure about that anymore because 3 years is a long time to look for a job without somehow not finding one... another one of the hope and change policies... or should I say dope and shame.

I've seen how heated and freaked you get about the health care mandate, chickened, and you are actually suggesting we force sterilization? Come on, now. Have another cup of coffee and wake up some more.
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Foodstamps are a supplement to income for a temporary fix. There should be a system of accountability that makes them that are getting it better themselves. It was never meant to be a source of income.

Sterilization would be one way to better the system. Two kids and you are done.

Enforce child support laws.

Bring back the WPA or the CCC camps, put them to work, anything but sitting around doing nothing.

Foodstamps allow people with income to use their real money elsewhere and unfortunately some use the money they would otherwise use on food for things that are unnecessary. Some do actually need it like the elderly and you can exempt them if they are over 62 and the handicapped but the others can defend their application for them.

The bottomline is they are free, a good deal and who would not pick up a couple hundred dollars if it were free. How did people make it before foodstamps? Why does a college student need them? It is now so comfortable to beg from the government it is viewed as normal especially because it is done discretely with a card, how convenient no stigma, embarrassments or shame, pretty soon we will have whole generations that feel entitled...



Hitler was big on sterilization. Are you saying you want that kind of socialism and removal of freedom by the gov't?
Playing the race card is popular in any social debate, it is a tactic used to put you on the defense. The census bureau breaks it down by race all the time.

Don't get me going on birth control, women are being duped by the democrats on that one when there are many other expensive coverages that women need covered by insurance before the pill and yet they choose that one to take a stand on, they are being played.

Problem is that now a days, anything having to do with cutting welfare is flagged as racism. Birth control would be hit fast by that group.

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