Wind River Healthcare and their Hatching Activity....

it is the most inspirational thing to see what you are bringing to these people's lives. it's a brilliant idea.
if you don't want to use newspaper because it may give them splayed legs & pine shavings get into everything, use chux pads. i bet you have some of those around. lol

Chux are a GREAT idea! Very clever

So glad this thread is back... I really enjoy seeing the residents with the chicks- they look so happy!

Great job Feike

new pics coming soooooon, just very busy, chicks are too young to show at the State fair but next year they will show them....Out of the 15 just one Copper Maran hen didn't survive the heat over seems like I have 3 Roo's 1 Lavender Ameraucana, 1 Copper Maran, 1 looks like a Black Spitzenhauben Bantie ....but can't really pin point since I hear 5 different crows..
new pics coming soooooon, just very busy, chicks are too young to show at the State fair but next year they will show them....Out of the 15 just one Copper Maran hen didn't survive the heat over seems like I have 3 Roo's 1 Lavender Ameraucana, 1 Copper Maran, 1 looks like a Black Spitzenhauben Bantie ....but can't really pin point since I hear 5 different crows..

Can you just put them on display with a picture board explaining what you did. I know they would find a place for something like this at our fair.
As promised here are some pictures...
our Wheaten Ameraucana, Copper Maran Roo and have no clue what both black Banties of them look different though especially now...the 1st one is I think gonna become a Roo but I'm not really sure the crest is have a little silver/goldish color and tail green-ish...the 3rd pic shows a different banty, which is completely blacks and almost with a hair-do like a spitzenhauben...
Well I called the fair and it seems like we will have an area specifically focussed on this them on display and an information cool!

Remember Blondie? see one of the first pics on this thread.

It is great that you can put them on display at the fair. Make sure the people from the nursing home know the chickens will be there and where they will be. Let the families know what is going on too. Will any of the residents get to go to the fair?
Residents will be going to the fair ....some with family and I'll be doing a rotating shift going back and forward....I have to hear the last details from the fair's office monday if it's gonna happen or not.....untill then I can't do much...but families will be invited for sure, if it's all gonna happen we'll have some sort of petting area....where people come and sit and visit the young pullets and roo's (so they get a first hand experience what the activity at the nursing home was all about) I'll have the residents be the overseers and explain he folks at the fair what we did, why and how(offcourse next to having the information board) ....Oops Blondie is Goldie sorry!
I'm sorry I have missed out on a lot of your pics. But I'm catching up. So sad to hear that someone could steal those poor old folks pride and joy. They seem so happy in those pics. Reminds me of my grand parnets.
You are doing such a wonderful thing for those people. Keep up the good work.

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