Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Now to pick up a couple of new tires....lol. They dry rotted and won't hold air.

if the tires are just weather checked, you can still put tubes in them. Afterall,You won't be running down the highway with it.

I just came in from the wood shop. I glued up the second side panel of the new feeder. I got the boards for the base all cut and ready for gluing . all I have left for clamps are my really long pipe clamps.. too cumbersome for this small type clamping. I could cut the pipes shorter, but then that is when I would probably need a long one.

I could run to Fleet and buy an assortment of pipes. that is what I really should do..

I found one of the hidden chicken nests. it is right behind my planer in a nice pile of shavings. 2 eggs from 2 different chickens.

Irish, all I get from your previous post is a blank page..
but when I "quoted" your post I got some text.. really weird.

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Hello! Is this the official WI thread? Or is there another that I'm not seeing? I found this thread through a link in another thread so hopefully I'm not barging in!! I've been a career lurker on the site for about a year but just recently joined in on the fun!

Well, I'm new to the forum (obviously...) Live in New Richmond, WI and will be starting a small flock next spring. I've never kept chickens before so I'm neck deep in researching breeds and coop designs.

So, any tips for a newbie??
I'm sure I'll have tons of questions as I go! Thx!
Hello! Is this the official WI thread? Or is there another that I'm not seeing? I found this thread through a link in another thread so hopefully I'm not barging in!! I've been a career lurker on the site for about a year but just recently joined in on the fun!

Well, I'm new to the forum (obviously...) Live in New Richmond, WI and will be starting a small flock next spring. I've never kept chickens before so I'm neck deep in researching breeds and coop designs.

So, any tips for a newbie?? :jumpy I'm sure I'll have tons of questions as I go! Thx!

Hi, glad you found us! What breeds are you thinking about?

Ask away, you'll find lots of helpful people here and on BYC.

Great job on the research that's how we did it too, but I've met many people who know nothing about them or their needs and plan to just jump right in. That's not good for anyone.
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You found us and you will never find a better group.
This is the biggest bunch of enablers you can find.
Ask any question.. and lots of them,, somebody will have an answer. and who know ; it might even be the correct answer..

I got so much accomplished today that it scares me. and it is just only 3 o'clock.

I got ALL the boards glued and clamped as we speak.

then I back dragged the driveway once more.. took the back blade off and put the cultivator/drag on.. dragged all the gardens.. even expanded one of them by a few yards..

in about a week I will drag again, and then again a week after that.
the first thing I will put in are the potatoes.

Fish Fry Friday afternoon to everyone! I'm still hunting, but needed a break from no action....no giving up though.

The Buckeyes have the most friendliest roosters I've ever worked with, and I've dealt with some really mean ones over the years. I'll have to work on pics cd, and see if I can come up some. I'm considering placing a order from sandhill next year to add some fresh genes to my present flock....I know how hard they are to obtain locally here too. Sandhill only allows 10 bucks with each order, so other breeds would be needed to fill the order....I prolly will figure something out.

Good to hear your donkeyball son is doing good Cind. Maybe he can make some seconds that need culling, then send to me for examination and taste....

Welcome to the cheeseheads steph....enjoy !

Being a city girl up until I moved to a rural neighborhood 10 years ago, chickens were a mystery to me! An animal lover all around, I would never be comfortable being responsible for animals without first knowing what I'm doing. Honestly, hubby gave me the green light on the whole "Chicken thing" (as he calls it, LOL) for this summer but I'm just not ready. Medical care is my biggest concern. Looking for runny noses, pasty butts, bumble foot, or questionable droppings is about the extent of my chicken medicine knowledge. (And even that is just what I've read here at BYC) And then the vaccine debate. Oy.

I would love to get a few Wyandottes (sp?) but am hesitant due to some broodiness mentioned in owner reviews of the breed. (How much of a pain is that to deal with?)
Sex Links are on the top of my list too. Not sure if the different colors have different temperaments.
Also Rhode Island Reds, but again, I'm reading that they can get aggressive if they come from the wrong blood line. (Production vs heritage, I believe. How would I know the difference???)

Any hens I bring in would need to be docile as they will be pets first, then layers. Since my coop will not have electricity they have be ok with our lovely WI winters and walking on snow.

Has anyone used solar power to power a dog bowl heater? Or do I bite the bullet and run an extension cord to the coop in the winter?
My very good childhood friend lives close to Waupaca..she is looking for chicks and prefers Buff Orpingtons..does anyone live close and have them?

Does anyone in that area have any chicks at all?
Hello! Is this the official WI thread? Or is there another that I'm not seeing? I found this thread through a link in another thread so hopefully I'm not barging in!! I've been a career lurker on the site for about a year but just recently joined in on the fun!

Well, I'm new to the forum (obviously...) Live in New Richmond, WI and will be starting a small flock next spring. I've never kept chickens before so I'm neck deep in researching breeds and coop designs.

So, any tips for a newbie??
I'm sure I'll have tons of questions as I go! Thx!

Welcome aboard, Steph.
Hi all,
I'm Jim. I returned home to Wind Lake after being in Iowa for eighteen years. I've been a member of BYC for a while but took a break from it for a time. In Iowa, I had a lot of breeds that I shipped hatching eggs all over from. I've seen some names that I recognized shipping to. I plan to get back into breeding and showing but on a much smaller scale (until I find someplace to house my flock. Lol). Currently my flock is at my uncle's farm. Right now I have Iowa Blue, Underwood Rhode Island Red ( RC and SC), and LF Black Langshan. I have hens I wish I could find mates for but probably won't continue with some of these. I have Speckled Sussex (Reinhart line), Blue Ameraucana, a Black Cochin, a BCM, a Sizzle, and a BLRW.
I teach Biology and Chemistry at West Allis Central. I hope to hatch some eggs for my bio classes but don't have breeding pens set up yet. That will come in the next few weeks. I started Hosta seeds with the students and they want to see their seedlings daily. I can't imagine what they would be like with chicks. I may be stalking some of your pages seeing what breeds you have that may be close enough for me to pick up eggs. :oops:

Eventually I hope to have Icelandics, Ameraucanas, Marans, Halbach White Rock, and Sussex back in my flock with the intent to show them. (No showing for the Icelandics though)

I'm hoping to get to know you all like I knew my chicken friends in the past.

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