Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

My brothers new dog...........Blackmouth Cur mix.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackmouth_Cur He came from a shelter and was going to be put down because they are running out of room. He's 4 months old and his name is Tyson. Cute boy.

Fish Fry Friday All...we love our outside cooker and use it every Friday the weather allows us....tonight it was fresh bass from a lake nearby....it was awesome delish with no bold flavor at all. I'm getting close to the last of the potatoes from last year....kina perfect with the new ones close to digging.

Went to the Amish store today to stock the pantry with all the good stuff for home cooking....their fish/chicken batter is great. Stuff like brown rice, sugar, oat bran, barley...etc...much cheaper than the box stores.

Amish neighbors next to me had a accident when a buggy horse spooked and rolled over multiple times just north of the shell station...4kids and mom ok...the father was flown by helicopter due to back injuries....nothing broke and he only spent the night in the hospital....I guess he is sore as heck. I'll have to stop and wish him well. Lucky dude for sure.

Have fun... bigz
I NEED Hay! I've been looking all over but it's all HUGE rolls or monster bales lol OR last years crap. we bought some hay from some one and our straw looked better, the goats disliked it alot, it was bad! anywho anyone know of some somewhere around me? glad i only have 2 goats. They like being tied out during the day and eating all the tall stuff. people always ask if they make good lawn mowers.... my answer is no but they make good weed wackers lol THey do trim the grass to but then again my grass is all weeds lol
any ways I just stopped by to say that. too ta loo!
oh and that I've lost (never to find again) ALMOST 20 lbs! YAY! me!
later all
Scary about your neighbors Bigz! I am glad they are OK and the man with be OK! Do they know what spooked the horse? I would much rather be on top of a horse if it spooked then in a wagon.

FT--my friend just got rid of their Black Mouth. They couldnt convince him to stop chasing chickens and cars and joggers and....I hope your brother has better luck. They are a beautiful dog!

There was so much more but I have been interrupted a zillion times! So now I am hitting the hay...unusual for me to work on the weekend but I have to...so I will miss out on some of my Saturday and on Sunday I am taking DD20 to her MIni-event...I guess not much of a weekend for me then hey?

Nighties! Terri O
For the last couple of months I've been trying to break some of my broody hens. Had way too many. During the day I would continually throw them out of the coop. Their nights were spent in a large trap outside the coop. Worked on most of them.
I was looking at my game cam pics, that I haven't checked in a long time, and came across this one. Nice to know she had some company.

Hi All.... I'll pop on later but I just wanted To spout my "good news/ bad news"... went out to close up and one of my New Hampshire Reds was dead under the roost
Another one of those no apparent cause.... just dead.
However the circle of life keeps turning and my broody I gave the guinea eggs to hatched 5 little keets so far.
one more was pipping but I took the risk and moved them to the brooder pen. Too many other hens kept trying to lay in her nest and I was afraid the keets would get get hurt. She seemed to be relived about the move, no fight about it at all!

CU later.
Cool picture DAS!!!

Thanks Vicki for the well wishes

cindlady that is to bad.

Congrats raimnel

I have to go on a diet now

That is a cute dog FT love the coloring.

Wow that is pretty scary Bigz

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Hi all! (again)

Cassie.... you had crappies and ate them all without me!
Thanks for posting that list link... I prefer to get my feed from the mill but sometime I'm stuck with TSC feed I know I must have gotten at least a few of those bags! AHHHH!
The chick starter at least! So, you get a refund if you bring in what's left? How many people have feed left from May? Poor chicks.

vicki... we have been getting spurts of rain and it has been helping.... too little too late for most of the crops though. You probably could have just let them eat the wet feed. I give my girls wet feed every morning and in the winter they get it with Hot water. Their dry feed stays in the coop....dry. Bet it was funny watching Crockpot eat and run!

CS....Get a good feed and keep watching her. If you want to be sure what hen is laying what egg you can put a few drops of food coloring right on the vent. The color will come off a bit from the moisture of the fresh egg. walla! blue vent, blue egg, you have a match!

tiki.... Cute about the dog catching the chicken! We had a German Shepard that would catch the parakeet when he was out. Amazing how gentle they can be! Sorry your landlady drive you nuts!

apyl... could she be going broody?

Jim.... wish I was closer.... I'd help you out with those beans!!!

Elain... Great grab on the plants!

FT... Guess your brother can't resist am animal in need either! Wonder where he gets that from?

BigZ ... I love bass too!
My all time favorite is bluegills/ sunfish!!! Hope your neighbor heals quick!

Das.... nice pic!

Well, guess that's it.... night all!
beautiful morning everyone

I have eggs!!!! The girls are all back on the job and no more thin-shells! Except broody butt of course
. I am never,never, never, never, never, never buying Purina feed again!!! Still upping the girls protein tho because they are still trying to grow feathers on their "red butts" , bellies and back of their necks (two of them~also have their right wings all broke up~at first I thought it was a botched clip job but later realized it must have been a really rough roo~this idiot had 7 roos and as far as I know they were all in these 2 stupid small cages with the hens as well, grrrrrrrrrr).

Ok, hubby says we get a play day so as soon as he's back from the dump it's off to the Crandon Kentuck days! Small town thing but I just love going. Missed going to the Langlade County fair this week, darn. Got busy and forgot all about it. Oh well, it's tiny so I didn't miss much. I did want to check out the chooks tho.

Have a great weekend all!!!!

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