Would you pay to get our dog back?

I wouldn't pay them a dime. It sounds as if they had no intention of finding out where it came from. You don't take a dog to the vet for 'stickers' in the coat and get it's shots unless you plan on keeping it. How did he get it? Where were you keeping your dog that he would have access to? Being in dog rescue, I see it time and time again, where dogs are taken from people's yards and then are either kept or they are sold to someone else. I'm thinking that they either intended to keep it or they were going to resell it. I'm glad you have your dog back but I would strongly consider keeping indoors, unless it's supervised outside by someone, and having it microchipped.

Good Post. Makes sense.
i dont think he stole it tho, cuz otherwise he wouldve kept his mouth shut about "who's dog is this" and the post office guy wouldnt have known who had it. i think he did decide to keep it After he found out who it belonged to.
I would request the receipts for sure before I paid him anything. If you feel you owe him for her care, then it's only for one day, as he knew who she belonged to and decided to go ahead and take her to the vet anyway.

Now, she has had shots that she has probably already had, so he coud have harmed the well being of your animal. He might owe you?
Demand to see receipts. I've actually had something like this happen to me, I adopted a kitten to someone who then e-mailed me two days later and tried to tell me that he was really sick and admitted to the vet and that I had better pay her $600 vet bill.
This was nearly a year ago, I told her I wouldn't pay her vet bill because the kitten was perfectly well when he left but that I would certainly refund her adoption fee if she could show me the vet bills. She never did cough up those supposed vet bills.
If you are a minor, you need to take an adult with you. $25 isn't a bad 'finder's fee, but no one should 'demand it.' As said before, no vet would only charge $25 for a visit w/shots & grooming. And then do as someone suggested, save up some $$$ and get your yorkie microchipped.
If it were animal control that would have picked her up you'd be paying at least double that to spring her. I would however thank him for not taking her there and exposing her to all the diseases and stress and taking such good care of her, but I would ask for a vet bill reciept also. You 're lucky to have her back unharmed really. I'm glad it worked out.
Yes I was thinking the same thing. This guy has a scam going, and I bet he stole the dog in the first place. Wonder how many other people have coughed up $25. Call the Police!
A few years ago, a neighbors son came into our yard and untied one of our dogs. We were gone but found the cable still tied to the collar and laying on the ground. They took the dog straight to the animal control officer and got him locked up. Then they posted picture posters of him and their phone # and address and wanted us to pay them $25 and animal control $100 to get him back since they would neuter him before they left him out. It made me mad because we had bought him to use as a stud. We never paid so someone got a cute dog. In about 6 months time, we were about the 15th incident like that in my area. And then the paper wrote articles about the SPCA needing more funding (and they got a large amount from a county fundraiser) because for some reason, they were just totally swamped!
My thinking would be that the kids probably let the dog out to play with it and decided to "let" it follow them home. Why they decided to keep it after knowing who it belonged to is sneaky and suspicious. I wouldn't pay a cent but I wouldn't call the police because IME they won't do a darn thing once they hang up the phone so it would be a waste of time. At most I'd request a copy of the supposed vet bill and for the bag of food and reimburse him accordingly IF there is proof. Also, I'd keep the doggie inside from now on when no one is home and padlock whatever pen it's in outside. A lock with a combination is pretty inexpensive.

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