Would you pay to get our dog back?

If you have the money
you should pay him
and get your dog back
if it were me
when ever you have the chance to pick your battles jump on it
a long time ago i was in a grocery store in Florida
I put a 20.00 bag of dog food under my shopping cart
when i went to pay for the food i forgot to pull that big bad from under the cart
when i got to the parking lot i realized it
i said to myself the heck with it
grant it i was young
but two weeks later
i went to that same store with my daughter who was three years old at the time
i was wearing a 2000.00 watch and my daughter did something that made me swat her
guess what
the watch got caught on her pants and fell into the sewer
i had to watch my watch sink to the floor
after waiting for the fire department to come and help me
my watch was gone
i will never screw any one over again
he will get his
I forgot to add that I'm so happy for you that you got your baby back! Yayyyy for your family's little furry reunion
Get the vets name and find out what shots the dog was given...(also..DID the dog EVEN need its shots??) IF the person can give you the name and bill from the vet...AND your dog DID need its shots..then i'd pay the person...why not? The dog got its shots, didnt it? BUT..if the dog didnt need its shots...then i'd not pay him a dime...
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I'd just pay the $25, have him microchipped, and NEXT TIME call the police. That way, if they took him to the vet, the microchip would come back to you (the registry service will usually call you, and the vet or dog pound will normally scan for chips -- and you can PROVE the dog is yours.) Otherwise, it's really hard to prove for sure the dog is yours. Then, if he claimed he'd taken her to the vet, you can ask him why the vet didn't report to the microchip people ---
I would call the police and ask their advice on how to handle this situation--include telling them you have no idea how the dog might have gotten out of his pen, and that they took him in for shots, without even looking for the owner, etc etc.. They could advise you on whether you should pay or not, or they might decide this is a matter that needs to be looked into.
I'm just curious (and I am not bashing anyone for their answers) but why would you think they should pay the guy $25? I am betting that they took the dog and were planning on doing something with it whether it be keeping it or turning around and selling it. Just look on C.L and you can bet a quarter of the pet ads where dogs are being rehomed are due to cases just like this. This guy voluntarily took the dog to the vet(supposedly). No one asked him to. It would have been irresponsible of him to have him vaccinated not knowing when or if he was previously. As far as I would be concerned, they do not owe this guy a thing but a thank you.
that is the first thing that came to mind as well as yours
it really in my opinion wouldnt be rite to make her pay the 25.00
but is it worth the fight
here in ca. there is a 5 day law
the person has to post with the local animal shelter that their pet is missing
and also place an add in the paper
the finder has to take the pet to the shelter for 5 days
if the owner doesnt pick up the pet
the finder can adopt it from the pound
the owner than loses all rights to their pet
is 25.00 worth a police call and the trouble
there is principal involved and that is where that mans karma monkey will come back and bite him
If the guy had turned the dog over to animal control it would of cost you $100 or more to get it back. If it wasn't licensed that is. I'd say pay the guy and count your blessings.....By the way, my vet in Shekomiko charges me $20 to give my dog his shot. She only charged me $15 to look @ him the last time he had a sprained leg.
i want to go to your vet
mine cost me 60.00 just to walk in the front door
brought a two week old baby chick that was sick and he charged me over 200.00

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