Wyoming Unite!!!!

Are you all getting snow this morning?

It's been falling here for over 3 hours now. Of course, none was predicted. :rolleyes:
It has been snowing all morning but the flakes are very scattered and there is no new measurable snow on the ground. Of course there is still plenty left from the last blowing, drifting storm.
Got plenty of that today! We might even make a run to Cody. Son Kenny works there, and said the roads aren’t too bad except where they drifted and the snow packed hard and slick, but plows are out breaking that up. We didn’t get nearly what you did down your way. While you were all being snowed in, we got nothing....no snow on the ground here at all. Then BAM - three or four days after yours started, we started getting it.
Got plenty of that today! We might even make a run to Cody. Son Kenny works there, and said the roads aren’t too bad except where they drifted and the snow packed hard and slick, but plows are out breaking that up. We didn’t get nearly what you did down your way. While you were all being snowed in, we got nothing....no snow on the ground here at all. Then BAM - three or four days after yours started, we started getting it.

We've had nothing but snow and more snow down here! And plenty of wind. Even the old timers are saying this is the snowiest winter they've seen for many years.

It was -8* when we got up this morning, supposed to make it all the way to 21*.

B, if you make it to Cody have a safe and fun time!
Thanks, Debby. Probably won’t hit the Proud Cut this trip since my soup is so salty. <sigh> But I’m about out of everything from paper towels to canned goods. Oh, wait....no more canned goods, either. No tomatoes, no canned veggies (but I prefer fresh or frozen anyway) no quick soups.....man, this is like grocery shopping for Linda!!

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