

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 2, 2013
After sitting each day this week, by the door of the run she finally came this close to me!! She was give to me and hates people (well really anything) I have tried everything to get her to come anywhere near us.. All the other just walk by and want to be petted her though?
baby steps!! I am not asking for her to want to crawl in my lap like others but I don't want her to be scared
My advice would be what I do with my own stand off girl. I don't try to pet her which would reinforce her reluctance to come anywhere close to you. I have a pad I put on the floor and sit with my legs out & sprinkle some scratch or bits of food nearby. My shy girl has learned that it is safe near me, comes closer to eat the treats and seems calmed by those which do come closer or get onto my legs. That's the best I wish for her - less fear, more comfort. I represent some safe place to almost all my hens.
Well, she is absolutely gorgeous. Like beautiful women, she can afford to wait. (wink, wink) Ditto to the previous responder, just don't rush her. How wonderful she was given to someone like you who can really give her what she needs.
That's my plan right now I am sitting at the door of the coop bc she loves to go out and forage... She won't come out if I am there ( sitting cross legged just watching other chickens) with food around me. At this point I don't care if I ever touch her just want her to know I am "safe"

I am just going to keep it up! Today she seems less scared then the rest of the week staying as far as possible away from me

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