You might be a crazy chicken lady/gent if...Go on, post yours!

....when you walk out of the garden shed with a shovel and rake and out of nowhere your chickens line up in row behind you to follow you around the backyard for the bug hunt

...our chickens now the sound of DH's wheelchair and when he comes near they all race to see what he has for them
If when your 5 kids go to bed, you head to the brooder to hold, n play with the chicks instead of going to bed or spending time with the spouse. He thought it would wear off after the first week. HA! On week number 4 and it's a nightly routine.
If you notice your dominant roo picking on the younger (and also much LARGER) roo and go chase him down then pick him up and carry him around for half an hour lecturing him on bad behavior. I even brought him in the house so the kids could pet him to add to the humiliation.
The roo is a total jerk... he attacks my other roo, attacks the kids (they have a separate yard for safety reasons) and just plain isn't nice. But although I have been advocating his replacement for a year which often provokes hysterical crying fits from the kids, 5 and 7, now that they have started to come around and consider letting me re-home him its sad to think of giving him up. He's observant and protective, and man is he a survivor. He's the only chick to make it out of the incubator out of 32 eggs and the veteran of two brutal dog attacks what left him nearly crippled. He has since recovered fully, meaner than ever. And though its been a long time since he was a house pet we are still fond of the jerk.

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