Young Wild Tom Turkey

Now that's just weird
The worst part is how the interspecies romace of my turkey hen and roo ended. Turkey Girl got to be 40+ pounds and and had to sit down often to rest her feet (she was one of those broadbreasted white ones). Poppy Cock (the rooster) was a bit of a pervert. He was always sticking his head up under her. It looked like he was watching her vent. One day I opened the coop door and there sat Turkey Girl on Poppy's head!! He must have stuck his head under there, and she decided she was tired and just sat down. I thought he was dead. I moved the turkey off the rooster and discovered he was just unconscious. I have no idea how long she sat on him. He was never the same. I think he was brain damaged from lack of oxygen. He died about 2 weeks later.

Do you get kind of aroused when you read that? If you don't, then neither do I. At all.

I have nearly pee'd my pants.

I even made my DH read it.

I am not supposed to be laughing so hard. I am supposed to tell you to remember this forum has children who read and post frequently and we are to maintain a G - rated atmosphere.


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