[FONT=impact,chicago]The Chikken Runs[/FONT]​

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We decided on two runs- one would be for Splash & Lavender, while the other would be for Buff colored chicks.
--- Uh- oh WAIT A SECOND. As of May 26th, 2010, we now have added a third run. Ideally, I had planned to keep my husband in that one, but after realizing it lacked enough remote controls and/or semi-working VCR's to properly amuse him.... I have decided to let the my Blue silkies roam around in it instead.
Run #1 measures 7.5 Feet x 23 Feet.
Run #2 measures 14 x 23 feet.
Run #3 measures 13.5 x 17 Feet.
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]runs were constructed with 2x4x8's that are cemented in the ground. The chickenwire and hardwire cloth were buried six inches in the ground to prevent tunneling, stalking and keg parties thrown by visiting predators. We applied hardwire cloth to the bottom of the run after an owl attack that killed a few of our crew (chickens, not people). The top of the run is also covered in chicken wire because we have many hawks & owls in the area. We than painted the run to match the cottages. They are connected by a closeable chicken door & ramp and by a large human door. The [/FONT]​

This is Chicken Run #2






[FONT=impact,chicago]Third Run[/FONT]
