We have a flock of 12 beautiful ladies and a rooster named Skunk. They're all about a year old, and they were all raised together.

A while back, I've noticed a few hens losing their back feather, so we made multiple saddles for them. Soon after that I noticed a few girls losing feathers from their head. His favorite girls to bully seemed to be Betsy, Hershey, and Butterscotch.

As of about three weeks or so, he's taken less interest in all of his hens except Coco. At first it was just feathers, then he started pecking into her skin. She's so scared of him and won't even go bed with the other birds.

2 days ago, I went to check on her again, and saw just how bad it had gotten. Her whole neck is raw and she has an infection. We used to occasionally isolate him from the hens in "chicken jail", but after these recent events, he can only see them through a fench 24/7.

I feel so bad for both of them, Skunk is mad at me, and Coco can't stand to be around him. I'm honestly worried for her well being.

Any advice?

(Coco's injury)


Edit: Coco seems to be doing well after we seperated the rooster from the hens. I was able to clean it well and spray it down with a spray used for pecking wounds. I'm quite sure I have her injury taken care of, I'm just more concerned on what to do with the rooster.