At Home Remedy For Water Belly

Thank you for this. One of my EE hens has all the same symptoms with a bloated belly. Poor thing sits underneath a tree all day by herself while the rest of the flock is out foraging :( Her poop also alternates between normal looking and white and runny, which I would assume is due to a liver issue? I'm going to try this on her. I figured it's worth a shot given there's not much else that can be done to cure it. Question: I ordered both supplements but the liver powder is going to arrive first. Is it alright to start her on that while I wait for the Kickin Chicken to arrive?
Well documented, you described what you observed, what you thought could be the issue based on those observations, what your method of treatment was, and the results you observed.

Thank you for sharing with the community.
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Chicken lover1980
Thank you for the feed back! i'm happy you enjoyed the article, and that it is useful to the community.
Well written and informative article, although more pictures would be helpful. Also, many have never experienced water belly in their flock, so an overview of what it is is helpful.
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Chicken lover1980
Thank you! i will look into adding more pictures in, as well as revising it and adding an overview on water belly. I appreciate the feedback!
I don't think I've ever heard of water belly. What causes it?

Thanks for sharing what works for you. Home remedies are great for those of us that can't justify vet visits.

(p.s. the link for kicken chicken doesn't work... maybe its just me, but you might want to check it)
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Reactions: Chicken lover1980
Chicken lover1980
water belly is caused by either heart or liver failure, I'm happy you enjoyed it! and thx for letting me know I will be looking into and fixing that!
This is very informative. I know nothing about chickens, but am now raising them. I need all the help I can get.
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Reactions: Chicken lover1980
Chicken lover1980
welcome to raising chickens! if you need any more help feel free to message me!:)
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