Hi, We live in southwest Alabama and we have lived here all our lives. We love raising our kids in the country. I was raised on a farm and we lived on a dirt road. I grew up helping my granny feed the animals. We always had chickens, cows, goats, pigs, you name it we had it. I had felt the urging lately to have chickens of my own. I could remember coming home from school and feeding them and gathering the eggs. I wanted my kids to have those same experiences. I recently acquired 12 hens and a rooster. I have 6 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Rocks and 3 Brown Leghorns. The rooster is also a Brown Leghorn. We ordered them from McMurray Hatchery. All 13 have survived so far. We were so excited when they arrived. The kids immediately started naming them. The rooster is Rusty. We have a Rosie (who loves to be petted), Oreo, and Poochie so far. We have a cocker spaniel named Max, 1 cat named Binx and my husband has 4 beagles (LaLA, Woody, Belle, & JP-my son named him after John Parker Wilson) for rabbit hunting and 1 Deer dog named Seven. We are HUGE Crimson Tide Fans as you will see when you look at the pictures of the Chicken house. Crimson & White. ROLL TIDE ROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Below are some pictures of the family.
My husband, Dwight with Ty!
easter2008321.jpg Ashton- 13, Cana Grace-10, & Ty - 4
The new additions to the family. We are all having so much fun with the chickens!!!!!!