Ok, ok, I have to update! So many chicks, eggs, and beautiful breeder pictures to post!
My Columbian Cochins are breeding, and I already have one chick. It is by far the typiest cochin chick I've hatched all year. Oh, and it looks like a female! I will be keeping her, and I'm sure she's going to be a beautiful bird when she matures.
I also have some adorable cochin X d'uccle hens who are the cutest little birds. They are breeding with some nice white cochin males, and the chicks all have puffy d'uccle cheeks! I can't wait to see how these chicks will look when they grow up.
SO, I'm hatching so many chicks, but I will probably end up keeping them for months just to see what they will look like. I think my plan of hatching and selling might not work so well, lol!

Photos to come shortly!
September 25

Whoah, what happened to summer? It's still warm, but fall is certainly here. I would like to say I'm finished hatching for the year. Now, all the babies from summer are growing up, and looking very nice! These babies are just so friendly, and I enjoy picking them up and spending time with them each day. Chickens make wonderful pets!

So, in the coop, we have bantam cochins, Mary's silkies, and the 2 sisters....they are my adorable little mixed breed pullets. Father was a white d'uccle, mother was a buff bantam cochin. These ladies were given to me as chicks, and they were so flighty. Now, when I go in the coop, they leap on me and let me hold them.
I have to say, as much as I love silkies, I'm finding that the bantam cochins have found a special place in my heart! Both breeds are unique, but within my own personal flock, the cochins seem to have slightly different personalities than the silkies. My silkies are friendly and tame, but most of them are somewhat aloof. They don't care if they get attention or not. More of my cochins tend to seek out attention. I enjoy both breeds, and I appreciate their differences.


New babies have hatched! I've begun my cochin adventure, and I'm loving it! Bantam cochins have always been a favorite of mine, and I'm so happy to have these beautiful Columbian Cochins from Starbright Farm. Thanks for the eggs Michelle
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Last week, 3 of my call duck eggs hatched. My son has claimed one of the ducklings, and it follows him all over the house. Ducklings make fun pets.
I also have some other bantam cochin eggs in the incubator, pipping as I type. These came from an Ebay auction, and the eggs developed surprisingly well. We will see how the hatch goes. Good luck little guys!

HAPPY 4th Of JULY!!!!

I had a great hatch today! Thank you Mary *mbrobbins* for your wonderful eggs. All of the chicks are adorable, and it was a great way to celebrate this special day.
Here are some photos of the chicks. Too cute for words!
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June 2011 : UPDATE!

Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've updated my page! Being a full-time, stay at home/work at home mom of a 18 month old and an 8 year about busy! Then, throw in all my cuddly pets---how can anybody find the time to blog?

These are some of my silkies, from last year's hatch....
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Lots of new, exciting things happening here on our mini farm. We are now the proud owners of 2 adorable goats, and 2 adorable bunnies. The goats have taken over my chicken church, pictured below. So, the chickens have been moved to their own special coops. I'm a huge fan of chicken tractors, and I've even added a new chick tractor!
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Currently, I have lots of Jersey Giant chicks, 4 Buckeye chicks, some crazy d'uccle/cochin mix chicks, and a few silkie chicks from my own silkies.

There are some very precious eggs in the incubators!
*Silkie eggs from mbrobbins
*Columbian Cochin eggs from Shelleyb1969
*Call duck eggs, from my birds
*Silkie eggs, also from my birds

September 2010...............

Last month, I could not resist, and I ordered more silkie eggs from BYC. Thank you MRobbins and Ultra1Classic! Your babies are out of this world! Here are some photos of the new little sweethearts:
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And here are my Kelar babies from earlier this summer:

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Here is a picture of my chicken church. This is where the silkies will live. I tore the old coop apart, and only the roof and some walls remained. I went over everything with new 1/2" hardware wire, and I put in a complete floor. The front "porch" of the coop has a wire floor, and the inside of the coop is wood boards with deep litter bedding on top. My silkies can stay nice and dry, which is the secret to keeping them clean and fluffy. And the floor is predator proof, so no little animals can dig up through the floor. There is also no hole over 1/2" wide anywhere in the coop, to prevent snakes, weasels, and rats from getting inside.
I still have a LOT of decorating, painting, roof work, and landscaping to do. The mosquitos are bad this time of year, so I'll have to put it off for a few weeks. The important thing is that the inside of the coop is safe and ready for the chicks. I spent hours working on the inside!
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