My wife and I love living in our hideaway in the woods with all the wild animals our goats and of course chickens!
Pic of wife and kids
And my little buddy Lenny !
This years we started with 34 day old chicks in a 4x8 brooder, 7 Light Brahmas, 5 Partridge Rocks, 5 Black Australorps, 5 White Rocks, 5 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks and one Silver-Spangled Hamburg.
Wow do they grow fast!
4/24/ 10
The chicks are 7 weeks old and were moved to the new covered run.

Pic of wife and kids

And my little buddy Lenny !

This years we started with 34 day old chicks in a 4x8 brooder, 7 Light Brahmas, 5 Partridge Rocks, 5 Black Australorps, 5 White Rocks, 5 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks and one Silver-Spangled Hamburg.

Wow do they grow fast!

4/24/ 10
The chicks are 7 weeks old and were moved to the new covered run.