We are just getting "active" with posting on BYC!! We've been members for a little while and just doing a lot of reading. This is one of the best sites I've ever found!! Lots of really nice people that share information!!

As we figure this out we will add more!!
This is one of our Showgirls born10/23/2010 What in the world is this color!? 16th Generation Mom is White, Dad is Gray Partridge.

This is one of our boys. He produces babies that have HEAVY leg feathers, GREAT Rumps, AND he even throws big Top Hats on the Non-Bearded Babies!!!

This is one of the Bearded Boys. Nattaporto is also a great producer. He improves every characteristic of himself and the hen to make typey babies with good vaulted skulls. Porto is Chinese for "To Carry" My star boy.. Porto is named because he LOVES to be carried around everywhere. Nattaporto....not so much.

This is Porto... my heart. He is great and has the absolute best personality you could hope for!

This is Stephanie a 15th Generation ShowGirl from Porto and Sable

Andy our Blue Roo
