~*~About Smokin Silkies~*~
We live in a small town located in Ellwood City, PA
My name is Jamie and we have a house on almost 5 acres, with alot being wooded area. It's nice and quiet most of the time and I love having the privacy!

My family consists of my husband and I, 16 yr old daughter, 4 & 2 yr old sons, 9 mon old daughter, a Boxer/Lab mix "Cisco", a tabby cat "Bonehead", 2 female cockatiels "Teako & Layla", a 55 gallon tank of goldfish and MANY Silkies in White, Lavender & Lavender splits. I also have a pen of BBS but I'll be selling all of those soon to work on a special project of mine!
I also have my very first chocolate split frizzled Serama "Anthony" which I bought from Juliette "Pixie Chick". I am working on a special project with Anthony and also working on getting him a wife & some chocolate offspring ;)
Here's the story about how I got started with chickens: In 2006 my daughter, which then was 12, was incubating eggs in her 6th grade class at school. She came home one day begging me to let her bring these chicks home when they hatched. The first things out of my mouth were "your not bringing any stinky, dirty chickens here!" Over the next week, the begging continued and I finally gave in. I made her agree that she was to take full care of them at all times! I went online and found BYC (backyardchickens.com)

I found everything I needed to know about getting started with chicken. I spent a whole week on the computer getting every detail I could...which by the way is ALOT and I'm still learning after 6 years lol.

So anyways, the chicks hatched and the teacher gave them to another student who already had chickens on their farm :C My daughter was bummed so we went to a local farm and bought about 6-7 chickens and a turkey that my husband wanted. We got some mutt breeds that all looked the same to me at that time, just different colors...except one odd one. We didn't know what it was but it had this big poof on its head. Later on, I found a similar looking chicken online called a Silkie. That's where it all started for me! I ordered my first incubator, an LG still air, and bought some hatching eggs. I bought from the best breeders across the USA and I've been raising Silkies ever since :D

Over the years I've finally reached a point where I am very pleased with the quality of my Whites. They are by far my best! My Lavenders are right behind them. This Spring I'll be putting in a new Lav cockerel that I got from Darling Farms in Florida. He is a very handsome boy! I also raise BBS but will be selling out of those soon so I can focus on a new project of mine :D