Buone Uova
Good Eggs
All things old are new again (tutte le cose vecchie sono ancora nuove).
We had all manner of farm animals when I was growing up; cows, chickens, ducks, geese, goats, a pig, cats, dogs, even a donkey. Buone Uova is the name I came up with for my Dad's 2nd round of chicken keeping. It's a tribute to all the great animals I remember and the fun and work of growing up an Italian Cajun in SE Louisiana.
Currently (June 08), we have 6 Rhode Island Red chicks (hopefully girlies) and a coop that my Dad, Husband and I built (well, mostly Dad and Hubby but I painted
). Add to that the Papillion cross (Pattie) that adopted my parents and made the "great move north" to SC, the Black Lab cross (Boston, aka Blackie) that adopted them once they got here, and the Tuxedo Cat (August) that my husband and I adopted and you have the sum total of Buone Uova.

Stay tuned for updates on Buone Uova.
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June 21, 2008
The girlies (regazze del pollo) have now been allowed full use of their coop, known as Casa di Pollo, full time. They are 5 weeks old and gradually learning how to use the nifty drawplank to get to the nesting/roosting area. Friday, the whole family was sitting on the deck watching them explore the run for the first time. It was very relaxing for the humans and very exciting for the girlies :). We will let you know the results of the ever evolving "pecking order".
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June 28, 2008
Big doings at Casa Buone Uova: Casa di Pollo has been moved to its final home - finally off the deck and onto the land. The girlies were very excited to finally peck the ground and see the world from a different perspective. Blackie was patrolling the area around the coop, while the humans just sat and watched the girlies do what they do best...catch bugs and run around showing off their catch. They are growing like weeds, feathering in well and thriving. The pecking order is not yet evident but I have a feeling that Red, aka Rosa is top Chick while Gerty may be low gal...we'll see.

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July 4, 2008
Bok, Bok WHEELS Bok, Bok NEW NAMES Bok Bok and JEWELRY, too!
The girlies are Happy Happy Happy!!!
Casa di Pollo got wheels today so the regazzi can ROLL. Woo Hoo.
After the work was done, we decided that they old enough for banding so....everyone got a bracelet (braccialetto). The girls are growing and feathering out nicely which causes some problems with telling them apart. Now that they are "color coded", we simple humans can be sure of who is who. Dad decided that they should be named after the Great Ladies (Grandi Signore) in our family, so July 4th has become the Great re-Naming Day! wereFortunately, Rosa and Gerty never really cared for their old names very much. lol
Presenting the Grandi Signore of Buono Uova:
V, Nin, Alice, Pauline, Marguerite and Conchetta
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May 12, 2009
Just shy of one year and after many, many eggs, Conchetta bid farewell to us and the girlies at Buone Uova. We're not sure exactly what happened, but we think she may have been startled or had a heart attack. One thing we feel sure of is that she didn't suffer. Our coop is a little lighter and not quite as bright. We will miss you, Conchetta.

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