Can Chickens eat Corn Husks? All You Need To Know

After readng the article, I'll only feed my chicks the kernels and discard the husks. Why? Because our girls have access to a nice "pasture," full of vegetative matter as it is. The addition of husks to their diet would actually be a negative, which is really my take-away from the article.
Great information on feeding my chickens corn husks, I want to be sure to feed them things that are good for them or not be bad for them. Thanks for the helpful information.
Great article on corn husks for the flock!
Very helpful. I like that the article is clear that the corn husks don't really have a lot of nutritive value, that they are just interesting for the chickens to pick at and have something to eat on without messing up their digestion too much with, say, corn kernels. I also like that the article points out that chickens will benefit from having the husks steamed and chopped up - I don't think I would have thought of that - my poor chickens!
Well done!
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Good article for feeding corn husks to your flock!
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