As omnivores, chickens enjoy a wide variety of foods. They are tough, hardy birds. Nevertheless, as a chicken keeper, you want to make sure your birds are healthy, well-fed, and naturally, you will have many questions regarding nutrition. And what about peas? Would you be able to feed these small green legumes to your flock? Would there be any considerations if you did so?

Can Chickens Eat Peas?​


Cooked, raw, or frozen peas are safe for chickens to consume. Peas are a fun food for your birds since they like to peck at them and chase them around. In addition to their nutritional value, they are also full of vitamins and minerals. However, peas should only be fed in moderation and as treats, not as a replacement for normal and regular food.

Peas are safe for consumption, even raw. Please remember that dried peas aren't good for your birds. Besides being hard to digest, they aren't very tasty either.

Are Peas Healthy For Chickens?​

Despite the fact that peas are healthy for chickens, they should only be consumed as a snack, since they do not provide everything they need.

Most people don't realize that peas are legumes, not vegetables. Although legumes have a higher protein content than vegetables, they are still not enough. Peas also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These include:
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Thiamin
  • Niacin
  • Folate
  • Choline
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
When fed as part of a balanced diet, peas are certainly beneficial to chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Peas?​


Frozen peas are a welcome treat on a hot day for chickens and will not harm them. Since frozen peas are harvested at the peak of freshness and flash frozen, all the green goodness can remain protected for months at a time.

In general, frozen peas are sweeter and tastier than fresh peas you can buy at the farmer's market, making them more appealing to your backyard chickens.

Peas are ideal to grow because you can pick them from the pods and feed them to your chickens. Frozen peas are a convenient and flavorful alternative for those without access to a garden.

How To Feed Chickens Peas​


Feeding raw, fresh, and frozen peas to your chickens is okay. In the event that you grow peas, you can remove them from their pods and feed them straight to your birds.

You should offer your hens fresh or cooked peas rather than dried peas, since dried peas are hard for them to digest.

It is not important what the food looks like to chickens; they do not pay attention to presentation. When your hens get their beaks on the peas, they are going to peck at them and eat them.

Tossing or rolling peas is fun, and your birds will find them fun to chase.

The other option is to mix some peas with their regular feed. It's a great way to keep their diets varied and nutritious!


As long as a chicken is fed peas as a treat and not as its primary food source, they are fine to consume.

The chicken feed provides all of the nutrition they need. The commercial feed contains all the nutrients that these birds need to remain healthy and happy, and it has been developed in a way to match each stage of development.

Including peas in your flock's daily fun activities doesn't have to be a chore.

Chickens love foraging and have fun foraging for food. They will enjoy having plenty to do if you hide peas around your yard, along with other treats.

You'll enjoy feeding your birds healthy snacks, too; if you grow edibles, you'll be glad to know that your birds are benefiting from your efforts.