Canker in Chickens

This article could be improved by adding:
  1. Canker is the flagellate protozoan parasite
  2. It is also called frounce
  3. It is common in pigeons, doves, & raptors
  4. It is rare in poultry
  5. Birds can recover but may be carriers
Treatment - The drugs to treat are listed, but the dosing is missing. I would like to see the doses for each drug listed.
Interesting. Is it a disease or parasite? It is referred to as both in this article. If you do not have access to a vet, what should your first course of action be if you find an infected bird? Can you remove them, or do you have to hope you catch them early enough that drugs can wipe them out?
Very well written and thorough
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This is a good reference article that discusses what canker is, how it affects the chicken, and how to treat it, without containing so much information that it becomes difficult to follow.
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Great disease reference
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