I have 7 hens and 2 roos.
4 hens are RIR (Rhode Island Red) They live in coop consisting of a 4 by 4 house that is about 5 feet tall. Attached is a pyramid shaped run that is 14 feet long and 3 1/2 feet tall. They live with the Barred Plymouth Rock Roo. They are gentle and calm. One is crazy, and I love her for it. They love to eat, and, when in the mood, they will jump up about 6 inches straight up into the air to grab a bit of bread or apple.
In the chain link dog fence with a piece of plywood and a tarp over the top are three more hens and another rooster.
1 is Barred Plymouth Rock. She is a gentle soul and a great layer
1 is Buff Orphington She is wild and crazy. She is very beautiful, and I swear that sometimes she strikes me as KNOWING she is pretty-- a little vain.
1 is Aracauna. She and the two non RIRs above live together with the Easter Egger Roo. She was at first low on the pecking order, but she has pushed her way up and appears to be slightly the dominant hen in the set. She is red -- a bit of flame red.
The roos are
Big fat Barred Plymouth Rock --He is strong, handsome and bold. You might see him as the CEO of a big company. He is out going, a good leader, very certain of himself. He is intelligent but not extraordinarlly so. He is the sort that every one likes. He will fight to get his way, and he will win if it is possible.
And one which is maybe an Easter Egger. He is gentle, friendly, beautiful, arrogant. He is a bit like a fine artist or maybe the patron of one. I think he looks like an Italian Renaissance Prince, maybe one of the Medicis.
4 hens are RIR (Rhode Island Red) They live in coop consisting of a 4 by 4 house that is about 5 feet tall. Attached is a pyramid shaped run that is 14 feet long and 3 1/2 feet tall. They live with the Barred Plymouth Rock Roo. They are gentle and calm. One is crazy, and I love her for it. They love to eat, and, when in the mood, they will jump up about 6 inches straight up into the air to grab a bit of bread or apple.
In the chain link dog fence with a piece of plywood and a tarp over the top are three more hens and another rooster.
1 is Barred Plymouth Rock. She is a gentle soul and a great layer
1 is Buff Orphington She is wild and crazy. She is very beautiful, and I swear that sometimes she strikes me as KNOWING she is pretty-- a little vain.
1 is Aracauna. She and the two non RIRs above live together with the Easter Egger Roo. She was at first low on the pecking order, but she has pushed her way up and appears to be slightly the dominant hen in the set. She is red -- a bit of flame red.
The roos are
Big fat Barred Plymouth Rock --He is strong, handsome and bold. You might see him as the CEO of a big company. He is out going, a good leader, very certain of himself. He is intelligent but not extraordinarlly so. He is the sort that every one likes. He will fight to get his way, and he will win if it is possible.
And one which is maybe an Easter Egger. He is gentle, friendly, beautiful, arrogant. He is a bit like a fine artist or maybe the patron of one. I think he looks like an Italian Renaissance Prince, maybe one of the Medicis.