Hey, this is Cat. I'm living out in the woods of Lower Michigan currently with a moderately sized army of poultry and other various animals.
Besides animal keeping, I love reading, writting, drawing, sculpting and playing video games.
I set up a mini barn for some chickens and now here I am on
BYC! I've gotten a lot of help and advice for various issues from
members here. I really enjoy visiting BYC... and the book Chickens For Dummies is very good, too! <-- That's how I found this place.
**Update...moving to where I've been waiting to be! A nice farmhouse with some elbow room & best of all a barn & chicken house!**
**Update as of May 13th 2011 I now own that farm house!!
Update** More and more poultry are nesting out on the farm...we just keep growing!!
2011 Additions
Pekin Ducklings
Don't be afraid, my dear table meat! (Don't worry -that's just a nickname.)
Black Indian Runners
Pekin - 2 weeks & Runner - 2 days
And the chicks!
Fuzzy Butts! <3
The rest...
Marro...all grown up.
Rouen Wilson
I also have some indoor runner ducks. They are very sweet. They run around in their duck diapers and get into everything!
**Moved them outdoors since they were drakes & you know drake manners! But the diapers still allow their visits & work great for chickens, too! **
I bought my own Hova-bator Genesis with auto-turners. It works wonderfully!
I hatched out 10/11 button quails on the first attempt with it on 7/20/10.
**UPDATE** 4 out of 5 late eggs hatched making 14 babies!
As of September 19th 2012--
I currently have just under 50 chickens, 6 guinea fowl, some Chinese Painted quail, 6 geese and and just under 30 various ducks.
New experiences include brown African & white Chinese geese - Muscovy ducks - first own chicks & ducklings born! -
& of course Cornish Rock chickens & BB White poults for meat!
White Muscovy ducklings!
Charlie & Georgie - Pekin ducks
I raised my first Cornish Rock meaties this year. I bought 14 of them and they all survived & grew up happy & healthy!
I still have one for now, who I named "Scab" -- he is on a lighter diet and free roams the farm. They are very gentle & calm birds. I enjoyed my time with them & have found a much deeper respect for them from raising them for this purpose.
I have four BB White turkey poults that I am raising...we'll see how I like them. I may try a heritage breed next!
First chick born on the farm!
Here are two of my goats... Lazarus (RIP) and Ezra from my friend Pete! The herd is growing and I am up to seven now.
I also have 5 guinea pigs, 2 rats, 55 gallon fish tank, 3 cockatiels, 1 African grey, 1 Mulga parakeet, 1 American Budgie, 6 cats and 5 dogs.
Wesker enjoys epic snax!
CAT =(0x0)=
CAT =(0x0)=