My name is Carol Junes. I have recently moved to a place where I am finally, once again, allowed to have my chickens. This spring, my wonderful fiance and our two girls spent a day building the girls their coop and then started looking for hens. We started our flock in late March with the two splash cochin bantams and what was supposed to be a Jersey Giant hen (ended up being a rooster - traded a neigbhor for a RIR). A few days later we were able to locate 3 Easter Egger hens that were about a year and a half old as another lady in the area was moving across state. Since then we have added 2 barnvelders, 2 cuckoo marans, 3 more RIRs, and a silver lakenvelder (started out with 4), I have now added two Silver Laced Polish to the mix, one hen and one roo. I'm currently looking for some Black Copper Marans and a Cuckoo Marans rooster (French standard). Thanks for checking out my page.