Have you ever noticed one of your chickens shake its tail feathers? How about wipe its beak on you? Here are some main reasons for behaviors like these!

Chickens, no matter how funny they look, are intelligent and conscious creatures. They have many ways of expressing themselves, but sometimes it is a little tricky to tell what they are trying to say.

Many chickens will wag their tails to express contentment, excitement, and happiness. A chicken shaking its tail feathers is a happy hen! This chicken feels content and safe. Keep in mind, this behavior is widespread throughout most bird species, so if you see a bird shaking its tail, consider it a happy one!

For some chickens, such as cochins, tail shaking may be harder to notice.

Ever been sitting with a chicken, and it starts pecking you (as if eating), rubbing its beak on you, or scratching? Don't worry, this is not a sign of aggression. In fact, it is the complete opposite! Chickens will exhibit these behaviors as a way to show they appreciate your company. Some hens may even try to make your lap into a nest if they feel comfortable enough. So, consider it an honor if a chicken starts pecking you!

Chickens also rub their beaks to sharpen and clean them.

Sometimes, if you look out into your flock, you may spot a few chickens with their heads ducked under their wings, vigorously straightening their feathers. This behavior is called preening. It is very important for a bird, as it helps them clean and maintain their feathers. Chickens usually only preen when they feel safe. So, if your chicken preens near you, it doesn't perceive you as a threat!

A preening chicken is very vulnerable to predation, as they must close their eyes.

Your chicken stands up tall, puffs out his chest, and flaps his wings. When a chicken flaps its wings, it can mean multiple things. Alot of times, chickens flap their wings to signal confidence, and many times rooster will when they are protecting their hens. However, wing flapping can also signal distress, or a chicken trying to say, "Hey! Danger!" Chickens also flap their wings as a greeting. If your hen flaps her wings at you, she recognizes and appreciates you.

Many roosters flap their wings when they feel confident.

So, if you spot your feathered friend doing any of these, consider the signs and take action if necessary!
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