I have three ducks in the coop with my chickens. Anyone familiar with ducks knows how messy they are with water. They will splash it out of the waterer to create puddles they can sieve through for bits to eat. This resulted in muddy feet and dirty eggs. I tried several different arrangements to try and stop the puddles, but without success. I was finally able to devise a plan that has worked. I bought concrete pavers with a rounded top edge, landscape cloth, and drainage rocks. I dug a pit which was about two inches less than the height of the pavers. I lined the bottom of the pit with the landscape cloth, secured with the U shaped pins made for that purpose. I placed the pavers around the perimeter of the pit making sure they were upright and secure. I filled the pit with the rocks and hung the waterer over the center of the pit on a chain secured on one of the coop roof beams. This arrangement works well for both chickens and ducks. The ducks can splash all they want without making a mess. The chickens took to it well, and they enjoy scratching in the rocks. Fortunately, the rocks are inexpensive and easy to replace. The birds now have clean water and feet.