Hi, chixelandpixel here.

The real name's Ashley.​

I raise bantams in small quantites for fun and relaxational purposes in Gray Court, South Carolina, USA.
I currently am a Chicken Mommy to 1 OEGB Red Pyle hen named Chixel since 2007, a white silkie, SweetheartEDIT... now known asThe Infamous"Switcheroo"(oh well),
and from March 2007 until July 2010 was also proud to spoil Pixel, an OEGB Crele Roo as "my baby."
Every year i travel one town over to the local barbecue fest/tractor show/"Down on the Farm" petting zoo called "Squealin' on the Square" and help out he local FFA HighSchool Chapter. (That's the Future Farmers of America for those who dont know.) I've helped out since High School (Class of 2008
And am still helping out whenever I can.)
An average SQUEALIN' starts on Friday with setup for the petting zoo. Saturday the "farm critters" arrive by the flock. 2009 sported 2 goats(1 Boer, 1 pygmy), 2 dogs , 2 bantams(Chixel and Pixel), 4 standard chickens, a calf, 1 lopeared lionhead rabbit, a miniature horse, and a quarterhorse.

I arrive @ around 7:30AM, help finish the setup and get the bantams comfortable. At 2 hr intervals i remove myself and Chixel from the petting area. and go for a walk to "advertise" for the petting zoo. Alot of people take their dogs through the BBQ stands/ Shopping area on leashes. But only I can shock the bystanders when i look through the shops and they ask, "what is that", only to be clucked at by Chixel. Shes so cute, and an amazing "Converastion starter." She enjoys the attention of being petted and when the day is over pouts for a week after because the attention is gone.
Thanks for reading my page,

RIP Pixel