We started our chicken adventure this summer with six Black Sex-Links. All was fine and good with the little ones when a preditor snuck into the yard in the middle of the day and took one and killed two more! That was not a good day. I secured the back fence, mowed down the overgrown shrubs and grasses, and the three have been fine for the months since. Now we are at 22 weeks old in the first week of November in New Hampshire and I am wondering if I will get any eggs. The girls are on layer feed (and have been for over a month) get all the exercise they want and I've added morning and evening light to make it close to 12 hours. Do I need to add heat to their house? Do you think we will get eggs before winter or are we looking toward spring for eggs? I've looked around the yard and do not find any in their usual resting spots. Thank you for your help and great web site!