Make sure to take time to play with the dismantled fencing

Being in commercial construction has it's benefits :) our employees crafted the design my husband drew.

This is just to show the construction and the vent -one on each end

We included a septic system in the dog run turned chicken coop. I only use it when I do a deep clean.

Interior roof construction before cutting in the sky lights (2)

ventilation window for summer breezes

starting the chicken run

chicken run structure

chicken run structure continues

My husband building the nesting box


The run is coming together!

The guys did a great job!

cemented posts

The fencing is deep in the ground and curved out to prevent predators from entering

Here is a visual of the corner treatment

The gate into the chicken run

The chicken run has the same fencing on the top


Nesting box installed; Window above

Brooder Box

It wasn't long before the grass was gone

The Chicken Whisperer

Would you like a worm?

Our very first egg

Bliss~ you can see we also added a layer of chicken wire to the lower portion of the fencing.

True Love

Happy Girls
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