So what do you do when you are single and you have to social isolate at home without going crazy? Get some chicks and worry about keeping THEM alive! Yep, that's what I did. It's me, my Pomeranian, 7 fish and 20 chicks. 20 chicks!? Holy chicken manure! I didn't want 20 chicks, but I was sent extra. And the feed order was fulfilled but my feeder and waterer were not. So here I am in my recliner with a chromebook on my lap, my dog by my side, a sick chick sleeping in a towel on my chest, a pop-up playpen full of chicks on the floor in front of me, and I'm trying to figure this whole thing out. Gotta say, my strategy is working. While everyone else is looking up "coronavirus", I'm looking up "bumblefoot"!
If the coronavirus situation has influenced you to get chickens for the first time or to get them again, please tell me your story. If you normally raise fowl, I'd be interested if you changed anything because of the pandemic. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!