Hello! Today I am going to take you through the steps to make a heater for you baby birds that does not use electricity! (This should not replace a heat lamp in the brooder, this is only extra warmth.)

A glass bottle with a secure top. (Like a Mason or Pickle Jar.)
A really fluffy sock
Pan for boiling

1. Measure how much water will fit in your jar.
2. Boil that water for 3-5 mins or heat it up in a microwave safe bowl for 3 mins.
3. After it is done, dump into your glass jar and add the top on securely.
4. Wrap the fluffy sock around and put it in the brooder

Congrats! You made a DIY heater for your baby chicks. They will snuggle up against it like they would with their mama! I like to put it next to an feather duster too, but you do not need too!