It's exciting to bring home chicks for the first time, so you need to make sure your new flock is set up to thrive. There is a lot to learn before you start raising chicks, and the first item on the list is how to brood the little babies without making mistakes.

Below is a list of the most common mistakes people make when brooding chicks. It's helpful to approach this new endeavor with as much information as possible so you can raise your chicks to be happy, healthy chickens.

1. Incorrect litter/bedding.​

Choosing the wrong type of bedding for chick brooding is undoubtedly the most common mistake people make.

This mistake is easy to make. There are so many different types of bedding offered in farm supply stores. At first glance, it does not seem to matter what you choose because you are only going to throw it away every other day, right?

However, the bedding you choose for your chicks is important for several reasons.

Some bedding is not absorbent​

The right bedding for chicks should be able to absorb their droppings to make the environment more comfortable and less smelly.

Many people try to brood their chicks on flat newspaper or shredded paper because it is cheap. Newspaper is not a good idea for more than one reason. Both options are non-absorbent and result in a smelly brooder that quickly fills with droppings and is a very unhealthy environment for your chicks.

Some bedding is bad for chick health​

Newspaper is not only non-absorbent but can permanently disfigure your chicks. Chicks can not properly hold onto slippery newspaper, causing their legs to splay sideways - a condition that can become permanent.

Cedar shavings are another poor choice for the brooder. Cedar is an aromatic wood that may seem like a good choice for a brooder, but it really is not. Chicks have a very sensitive respiratory system, and aromatic bedding can cause problems with their breathing.

While it is not guaranteed that cedar shavings will have a bad effect, it is common enough that it is best to avoid cedar in the brooder altogether.

The best choices for bedding in the brooder.​

Now that we know what not to do, what should you use in the brooder? There are several good choices for bedding.

In the early days of chick brooding, you can use paper towels as bedding for the brooder. It is absorbent, easy to clean out and replace, and best of all, the chicks do not try to eat it. When the chicks are only a few days old, they put everything in their beaks.

It is best not to give them a chance to eat their bedding until they have learned what is food and what is not. After those first few days, you can brood with pine shavings, aspen wood shavings, straw, or hemp bedding. Straw is the least absorbent bedding, but can still be used if you have it available.

Common Chick Brooding Mistakes

2. Placing Chicks Too Early in the Chicken Coop.​

Make sure your chicks are ready to go into the coop. Chicks should be fully feathered and outside temperatures should be above 65 degrees before you put them in the chicken coop.

If you take the chicks outside too soon, the results could be disastrous. That's why it's important to incubate them in the safety and warmth of your home until it's warm enough. There are three reasons why you should keep your chicks in the incubator a little longer.

Unpredictable weather​

If you got your chicks in late winter or early spring, you'll need to think very carefully about when to stop incubating.

In many places, cold snaps and sudden winter storms can occur even in mid-April and early May. Your chicks will need protection from the cold until they are able to protect themselves.

Protection from other chickens​

If you are expanding an existing flock, you need to be especially careful when placing chicks in the coop. With a little preparation, your flock will do just fine.

You can not just put the chicks in the coop and expect a peaceful transition. Wait until the chicks are big enough to defend themselves against other chickens, and very slowly introduce them to the flock.

Protection from predators​

Other chickens are not the only reason you need to protect your chicks. They are also vulnerable to attack from predators when they are young. Predators of all shapes and sizes target chicks, and some, like rats and raccoons, are experts at getting into the coop.

Before you bring your chicks into the coop, protect your coop from predators and make sure the chicks are big enough so they will not be easy targets.

3. Not Properly Securing the Heat Lamp.​

This is one of the biggest and most dangerous mistakes you can make when brooding chicks. Heat lamps are affordable and plentiful, making them an easy choice for heating your brooder. However, they are notorious for starting fires in the house and coop, so be careful when setting them up.

Sometimes the clamps that come with heat lamps are unreliable and often fail, creating the risk of them falling into the brooder.

How to secure your heat lamp:
  • Make sure your heat lamp has a wire cage to prevent the bulb from touching anything.
  • Place a wire lid on the brooder to keep the bulb from falling inside if it does.
  • Secure the lamp in at least two ways, three is better. Use the clamp that comes with it, but also secure it with a chain and/or wire.
If the thought of a heat lamp scares you, there is another way to keep your chicks warm. Your mind will be at ease with the Brinsea Ecoglow, a safe and highly efficient brooder heater.

Common Chick Brooding Mistakes

4. The Brooder is Too Hot or Too Cold​

For the first week or two of raising chicks, the temperature in the brooder should be about 95 degrees. If it is hotter or colder than that, your chicks will suffer and may even die.

It is helpful to use an infrared thermometer to monitor the temperature in the brooder so you do not have to guess. The chicks will be entertained chasing the laser light as an added bonus!

As the chicks get older and begin to sprout their feathers, you can slowly reduce the temperature in the brooder by turning down the heat or raising the heat lamp a few inches each week. Eventually, the temperature in the brooder should be about 65 degrees before you move the chicks outside to the coop.

This is not an exact science. Watch for signs from your chicks that they are uncomfortable with the temperature. If your chicks are chirping extremely loudly and snuggling together, they are too cold. If they are constantly sleeping, stretching their wings or panting, they are too hot.

It's best to create two 'zones' in the brooder so that the chicks can self-regulate. Keep the heat lamp on over only one half of the brooder so that if the chicks get too warm, they can move away from the heat.

5. Giving the Wrong Kind of Food​

For the chicks to thrive, they need the right kind of food. Make sure you buy chick starter for your chicks and not just basic chicken feed. Chick starter is the right size for babies and provides all the nutrients their growing bodies need.

Be careful with giving treats. They need to be introduced at the right time and under the right circumstances. All baby chicks really need is chick starter.

However, if you want to feed treats, wait until the chicks are at least two weeks old and also provide them with access to chick grit. The grit will help them digest the treats. Stick to the basic rule: 90% feed and 10% treats.

6. Not Enough Space in the Brooder​

Your brooder needs to be large enough to accommodate your chicks until they are fully feathered, usually at 6-8 weeks of age. A crowded brooder will only create problems. The chicks grow very fast and quite large during this time. So make sure you consider the size of the chicks not only when they arrive, but also 6 weeks later.

Chicks that live in a brooder that is too crowded are unhealthy and unhappy, and may even peck each other out of stress. If your brooder is not large enough to accommodate all the chicks, use multiple brooders at the same time to make sure they have enough space. Each chick needs at least 7 square inches in the brooder, but more space is certainly better.

7. Not Providing Adequate Protection from Pets, Children or Escapes​

The chick brooder must be placed in a location where they are protected from curious children and pets. Young children should always be supervised when handling chicks. Therefore, it is best to keep the brooder in a locked room.

Cats, dogs, and other pets also cannot be trusted around chicks. Even the most well-behaved pets can flip in an instant and harm your chicks.

Your chicks' own curiosity can also pose a danger. As chicks learn to jump and fly, they can easily jump out of the brooder and get lost in the house or be unable to warm up.

You can avoid all of these problems by keeping the brooder in a locked room and placing a wire lid on the brooder. This will keep them safe.

8. Not Checking Frequently for Signs of Illness or Distress​

Chicks are susceptible to all kinds of illness and injury, so it's best to keep a close eye on them for signs that something is wrong.

The most common problem a small animal owner faces with their chicks is pasty butt. Chicks need to be checked daily for this common condition, because leaving it untreated can lead to the death of your chicks.

Check each chick's vent daily for hardened droppings. If you find any, use a damp paper towel to soften it and gently wipe it away.

Common Chick Brooding Mistakes

9. Not Cleaning Often Enough​

Those cute little plush balls can quickly make a big mess. No one likes to live in their own waste, and for your chicks, it's not only unpleasant but dangerous to their health. Chicks are fragile creatures and susceptible to a number of diseases. The best way to avoid disease in your little flock is to keep their brooder extremely clean.

Clean the bedding in the brooder and change it out every day. You will find that the chicks poop a lot and are pretty random when it comes to where they poop. You certainly do not want the chicks sleeping in, stepping on, or pecking at their own droppings.

Also replace the water for the chicks at least twice a day, sometimes more. The chicks absolutely need clean and fresh water all the time to stay healthy.

You will find that the chicks love to practice free-ranging skills in the brooder and tend to kick their bedding and droppings into the water. Refresh it as often as possible.

10. You Have Not Set Up and Prepared the Brooder Before You Get the Chicks​

It's so easy to buy a few chicks on the spot to increase your flock, but that's a big mistake. It pays to plan ahead to buy chicks to reduce stress on your chicks in the early days. Moving to a new brooder is difficult for chicks as it is, so focus on making the transition as seamless as possible.

Prepare the brooder with feed, water, and bedding and heat it up for several hours before bringing the chicks home. That way, they will not have to spend their energy warming up when you first bring them home.

11. No Adequate Ventilation or Air Quality​

Air quality is important for the health of your little flock. The cleanliness of the brooder is not the only important factor for the health of your chicks, air quality is also important.

A lot of dust and moisture can be generated by chicks and their bedding, which is harmful to their health. Make sure the room where your brooder is located is well ventilated so the air does not stagnate.

However, do not confuse ventilation with drafts, as there should never be air blowing on your brooder.


It is very important for the health and happiness of your flock that you take some time to identify and avoid common mistakes. If you brood your chicks properly from the beginning, they will have the best chance for a bright future, laying delicious eggs and living a long life.
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