We started with a 4x8 table for the base.

Then built the wall frames.

We leveled out the base in the yard and attached the walls.

Thanks to somebody on BYC we used these brackets to hold the rafters for the roof.

Added the clean out door, hinges, locks and painted the inside.

Built the nest box.

Added the man door, hinges, locks.

Chickens inside for the first night.

There are still some finishing touches. Still a few boards to add, paint, the roosts and the ladder. Then we need to finish the fencing.
And so the project continues. August 7th, 2011.
We added the tyvek, shingles we had and the hardware fencing around the bottom. We even had bad rainstorms last night and the coop was dry as a bone.

After the tyvek and shingles we started the siding.

We were finally able to get more siding and finish the job.

We couldn't figure out how to attach the windows with siding and the J channel framing them out. So we put them on the inside with a slider, very similar to the pop door. Only we have them propped up with a piece of wood when they're closed. We're planning on leaving them open most of the summer and closed almost all winter, so it should work out.

Then we put up the good fene for the run, chicken wire over top and done for now except a few pieces of flashing and some paint over the exposed wood.