A story that eventually was amusing

27th March 2009

Well, after 6 months of effort we finally managed it!
Gee, we love our herb garden -
grown from scratch it is coming along beautifully!

3 MONTHS LATER... 29th June 2009

PHOTO 2. ...Especially that chook we planted,
it has taken really well...

...wait a minute - we didn't plant any chook seed!

PHOTO 4...ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Coriander, Parsley, Oregano, Chives, Sweet Basil, Rosemary... Don't worry, Gabby the chook is still free range with her pals - Lucy, Dot and Phoenix

Just for people thinking of getting a chook - make sure your plants are well established before leaving them within chook jumping range

PS Why did we leave them in chook jumping range?

Well they were perfectly safe for a few months with no chook interference until the new chook showed the old ones that if

they jumped onto the garden, they could jump onto our window sill and look into the house...

I guess Gabby thought she'd give it a go...