I am Kim Longwell - Heims , married 7/7/7 @ 707pm to the love and best friend of my life Kevin Heims in the smoky mountains of gatlinburg , Tn along with our children. We have been raising rabbits and all our other animals for over 2 years, but we recently figured a new years a new adventure to endevore together like eveything else in our lives. We also thank god for eveything we have and don't . Along with being a stay at home mom , we are raising 6 children and sending them off into there own lives as they grow older ,and its hard for a mom to do. So my love of my buns grows as my children leave the nest, and i help them through adulthood. One of my children serve our country in the army, and my other heading out of the nest is going of to culinary " master chef " . We have many other animals in and around our farm / home chickens, guinea pigs, cats, fish and our loyal dog . We grow our foods in our 60 x 60 garden and we can or freeze every single item we can , we go to local growers for fruits to also can and freeze , my husbands family raises the cow and pigs for our meats. I try to make every single thing we eat from scratch if i don't the hubby or children do. We are cooking fools, we never eat the same meal in amonth unless we want to. My son is leaving for college to beacome a head chef, wonder where he got that idea from ,lol. We love what god gave us and we love to love others and help anyway we can as long as we can. We are givers!
So Hello to all ! Come see all the new kits ! We are also getting into meat rabbits again ! Yeah !

Orrtanna Pa 17353

