I'm just a small town girl living in a small town world. I love chickens. Duh. I work at a hatchery in Ohio and for the most part, I really enjoy my job. I love hearing the excitement in people's voices when they are ordering their new chicks. I have a diverse flock at home and sell eggs. I want to start raising pullets that are ready to lay. Of all my "girls" I love my Ameracauna's the most. They have such neat personalities! I also have RIR, BO, BA, A Salmon Fav, Black Leghorns (I think), and a Blue Andalusian. I just brough home more Amera's, a Delaware, Silver Lace Wyan, an Exchequer Leghorn and.... oh yeah, a Polish for entertainment! I'm a doting wife to a husband that (begrudgingly) supports my chicken habit, a mom to a beautiful 16 yo daughter who loves farm life as much as I do, and a member of MaryJane's Farmgirl Connection!