People tend to talk a lot about double yolk eggs! An egg with two yolks is not only an oddity but also a pleasant surprise when raising chickens. The availability of double egg yolks in some places has become somewhat of a luxury that caters to those that can afford them.

In the United States, however, double yolk eggs are viewed as being deformed & aren't meant for sale to the general public.

This article discusses twin yolks, causes, how they occur, the chances of them occurring, and more.

What Causes Double Yolk Eggs?​

double yolk eggs

Double yolk eggs are typically laid by hens which are just starting to lay eggs.

There is still some synchronization to be done at their egg factory, and double yolks or even triple yolks may occur.

A chicken normally releases a single yolk from its ovary into its reproductive tract, followed between 30 and 70 minutes later by another yolk.

The reproductive system of young pullets is not always ready to start producing eggs when they are ready to lay them. It takes timing & a little glitch can disturb this process .

Sometimes a second yolk is released into the hen's oviduct simultaneously or very close to the one before when the yolk is released from the ovary into the infundibulum. After both of these yolks travel down the reproduction tube close together, they'll both be enclosed in one shell when they reach the uterine cavity.

The result is a double yolk egg when there is a glitch & 2 yolks are released simultaneously.

Young hens are not the only ones who can lay double eggs. It is possible that this condition can be caused by hormonal imbalance, as in mature hens or ones with ovarian tumors.

Heavy breeds such as Buff Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds are genetically more prone to laying double yolkers.

What Is The Probability Of A Double Yolk Egg?​

Eggs with double yolks are extremely rare. A backyard chicken has about a 1 in a 1000 chance of laying one. So you can expect around two double yolk eggs a year with a flock of a dozen backyard hens!

When your chickens age, the odds increase.

Their rarity is attributed to the reproductive hiccups. In preparation for lifelong egg production, the hen's reproductive system is bound to make a few mistakes. Because it should last only a short time, it is considered rare. Rarely do hens lay double yolks throughout their egg-laying cycle.

How Can You Tell If An Egg Has A Double Yolk?​

double yolk eggs

First of all, an egg with two yolks will be bigger and heavier than other eggs. Standard medium/large regular eggs weigh around 1.7 and 2.1 ounces (48 and 59 grams). A double yolk is possible if you find heavier and larger eggs in the nesting box.

Additionally, you can candle your eggs. You should see two distinct yolks inside the shell.

A relatively young pullet or an older hen nearing the end of her laying phase is usually the one that produces two yolk eggs. Therefore, if you happen to have a hen that fits the above clues, you may just find a double yolk egg surprise!

Is it safe to eat double yolk eggs?​

Consuming double yolk eggs is completely safe. You will have 2x the protein with double yolks, but less of the albumin's nutritional value.

Even though double yolk eggs have almost the same nutritional value as jumbo eggs, you may not want to utilize them when baking if your recipe requires eggs because they have two yolks.

Superstitions regarding double yolk eggs​

Double yolk eggs aren't an exception to old wives' tales!

  • They are commonly associated with good luck in Wiccan lore.
  • Likewise, in Romany folklore, it is said that when someone in the family is pregnant when a double yolk egg is found, the pregnancy will result in twins. As a symbol of fertility, it makes sense that these eggs would be used to announce a birth.
  • According to Norse mythology, a double yolk predicts death.
  • Lastly, it is considered by the spiritual community to be an indication that you are about to meet your twin flame or soulmate.

Questions and Answers regarding Double Yolk Eggs​

double yolk eggs

Does a hen always lay double yolk eggs?​

Her chances of laying a double-yolked egg are very slim. This anomaly normally only happens once in a while.

Typically, they last only a short time. The pullet will begin laying single yolk eggs once her reproductive system has settled down.

Can I make my hens lay eggs with double yolks?​

In a nutshell, no. The egg industry would have done this by now if it were possible.

The genetic makeup of chickens has been altered to enhance the production of normal eggs, and double yolks are not a normal occurrence. It is impossible to predict when a hen may lay double yolk eggs.

What are the chances of hatching a double yolk egg?​

Eggs with double yolks have slim odds of hatching. Usually, only one chick will survive.

Due to the limited room in an egg, a chick will grow to fill its exact space; therefore, two chicks that are cramped together would be weak and small.

A stronger chick usually prevails over the weaker one, leading to death for the weaker chick. As a result, the stronger chick may have difficulty maneuvering into the correct position.

Despite this, there've been rare instances where both chicks have survived hatching.

Do some breeds lay more double yolk eggs than others?​

It is more likely that heavier laying breeds (e.g. the Rhode Island Red & Buff Orpington breeds) will produce double yolks when they begin laying. Everything is fine with your young birds and they will relax soon.

I noticed my mature hen was laying double yolks. Is she ill?​

There may be some irregularities in the case of hens nearing the end of their reproductive cycle. Double yolk eggs can be one of these irregularities. She should be checked out by a vet if she exhibits any signs of distress or other issues.


Despite the fact that it's unusual to find twin yolks, your hen may not be suffering from any health problems. The double yolk egg is in high demand in India, where specific chicken breeds are kept especially to produce them.

For the first few months, if you have a few layers that are reliable egg-laying breeds, you are likely to see double yolks. In a few weeks, her reproductive system should be in proper working condition.

Hens have an amazing reproductive system that demonstrates all the wonders of nature and resilience.

Hens used to lay far fewer eggs in the past than they do nowadays. We have dramatically increased the number of eggs hens lay. It is amazing to see how adaptable the hen is and produces an abundance of eggs regularly. A hen's design & resilience enable it to continue producing eggs even after an occasional hiccup in the hen's reproductive system.

What are your experiences with double yolk eggs? Have they brought you good fortune? Share your story below.

Further Reading: