I got a male and female Pekin in May last year. I ended up with a male Buff and a male Khaki Campbell in July last year. I know that is too many males to one female, but I didn't know what any of them were when I got them as ducklings, and up until now they were getting along great. Now that spring hit the Buff and Khaki Campbell are absolutely crazy LOL...they attack each other, both of my Pekins....my poor female can't be anywhere near them or they literally fly and land on her within seconds of seeing her (so I do keep them separated). Now they (especially the Buff) attack me he was just pecking at me, but now he bites and twists. If I pick him up he is chill...like normal (I handle all of them a lot).

Male Pekin has also taken an extra liking to the female, but she seems to accept him, and he isn't rough with her, so I usually leave them together.

Is this a phase we may get through after the spring, or do I need to look at rehoming my babies? Our town limit is 4 without a permit unless you have a farm which I do not...So I can't just add more females...any suggestions to help tame aggressions in the meantime?