Egg Binding, What It Is And How To Treat It.

Thank you so much for the great info, and how scary, hope I don’t run in to this with my girls, yikes. It helped me to rule this out as the cause of my young Isa brown abruptly stopping laying at 22 weeks age. She has been laying one a day since 16 weeks with no issues, she’s acting normal, eating, drinking, happy. I feed ADM layer crumbles so am going to add oyster shells, although all 3 girls have had perfect shells since starting. This girl had one membrane egg a few days after stopping and none since. Am perplexed. They’re cuties so will just be a pet if she doesn’t restart laying :)
Really appreciate all the info!
This was amazingly helpful. I appreciate all the information and detail you put into this article. Thank you!
Very thorough and well-written. My only comment would be that calcium carbonate and calcium gluconate are mentioned, but really the ideal form to give a quick boost would be calcium citrate, as that is the most quickly absorbed form of calcium. Most people don’t tend to have that lying around their house though, which is where calcium carbonate (tums) comes in.
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Chicken lover1980
Thanks for the feedback! I added the other two calcium options in because they are easily accessible to almost everyone, but I will revise and try and add more options.
I will re-rate this when it's done.
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Chicken lover1980
i just updated it
Pictures really shouldn't be taken (stolen) off the internet to use unless you ask the person who took the picture.
Chicken lover1980
Thank you so much for rating another one of my articles! These photos are credited (not stolen). I did try to reach out to the owners of the photos and one gave me permission, one hasn't been active since 2014, and the rest either don't have any way for me to ask or didn't respond.
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