Mommy on the Farm Poultry

free range chickens, Farm fresh eggs. Mommy on the Farm raises free range poultry. Our free range, pastured chickens are raised in the heart of puyallup WA, on our family farm.Our chickens feed on what they find foraging during the day, with a supplement of grains and deep well water, with no protein supplements, no poultry or fish by-products, no pesticides or herbicides ever used. In addition, no antibiotics, no growth hormones.

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Farm fresh eggs
Why chickens
Humanely-raised, Pastured & Free-Range
Distinctly rich flavor and dark orange color of the yoke
great flavored eggs and a lot better than commercially raised chicken.
fresh eggs are dramatically different from the ones that are bought in the stores
100% organic feed No antibiotics
No hormones
No animal by products
Contact Me
Email: [email protected]
