I hope you enjoy our photos!

2 of our first hens.
Lily the Red Star and Daisy the Leghorn

Russel - the Red Star Roo

Dust Bathing

They decided that BOTH of them needed to hold the first egg for the photo.

Our first hatcher from our homemade styrofoam incubator.
4 out of 10 survived. Research indicates we may have had a better survival rate if we treated the eggs better PRIOR to incubation.

1 hour old chick with my 4 year old daughter. Our chicks are well (ahem) loved.

The chicks were a little wobbly at first! So cute! See her little leg on the glass? We used a fish tank as a brooder for the first week and a half then they out grew it. They grow SOOOO fast!

The chicks at 3 weeks old with my 7 year old son. Note - That's their brooder box with a wire mesh hinged lid.
