Chicken Breed Info:
Breed Purpose:
Dual Purpose
Comb: Single
Broodiness: Seldom
Climate Tolerance: All Climates

General Egg Info:
Egg Productivity:
Egg Size: Medium
Egg Color: Light Brown

Breed Temperament:
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Docile

Breed Colors / Varieties:
The most common colors are Salmon and White. They also come in Black, Cuckoo, Buff, Blue, Blue Salmon, Laced Blue, Ermine, Splash and Mahogany. Cocks are around 8 pounds, hens are around 6.5 pounds.
Breed Details:
The Faverolle breed is a calm, gentle breed. They are a very curious breed. I have read that Faverolles are fragile chicks, but in my experience this has not been the case. They have been very easy to hatch, brood, and raise. They lay around 160-180 eggs per year. They lay medium sized tinted or salmon colored eggs. They are an easy breed to keep and raise. All of the faverolles I have had, have been quiet birds. But I have heard from others that they can be very noisy.




